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ring network
comp. Ringnetzwerk n; ringförmiges Netz
comp., MS Ringtopologie f (A LAN (local area network) in which devices (nodes) are connected in a closed loop, or ring. Messages in a ring network pass around the ring from node to node in one direction. When a node receives a message, it examines the destination address attached to the message. If the address is the same as the node's, the node accepts the message; otherwise, it regenerates the signal and passes the message along to the next node in the ring. Such regeneration allows a ring network to cover larger distances than star and bus networks. The ring can also be designed to bypass any malfunctioning or failed node. Because of the closed loop, however, adding new nodes can be difficult)
el. Ringnetz n
IT, tech. Schleifennetz n
ring network: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology7