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gen. Fadenkreuz; Fadennetz
astr. Netz
chem. Fadenkreuz; Fadennetz
el. Maske
life.sc. Strichkreuz
microel. Retikel
paleont. Reticulum
| alignment
gen. Abgleich

to phrases
reticle ['retɪk(ə)l] n
gen. Fadenkreuz n (Optik); Fadennetz zum Messen
astr. Netz n
chem. Fadenkreuz n; Fadennetz n
el. Maske f
life.sc. Strichkreuz n
microel. Retikel n; Zwischenschablone f; Belichtungsschablone f
opt. optischer Diskriminator (patterned chopping disk, which consists of opaque and transparent sections; it breaks up the incoming radiation and converts the incident d.c. signal into an a.c. signal; the reticle generates error signals and discriminates between large background sources and smaller target signals); Fadenkreuzplatte f; Gitterplatte f; Lichtmodulator m (patterned chopping disk, which consists of opaque and transparent sections; it breaks up the incoming radiation and converts the incident dc signal into an ac signal; the reticle generates error signals and discriminates between large background sources and smaller target signals); Meßgitter n (grid); Modulationsscheibe f (patterned chopping disk, which consists of opaque and transparent sections; it breaks up the incoming radiation and converts the incident dc signal into an ac signal; the reticle generates error signals and discriminates between large background sources and smaller target signals); Zerhackerscheibe m (patterned chopping disk, which consists of opaque and transparent sections; if breaks up the incoming radiation and converts the incident d.c. signal into an a.c. signal; the reticle generates error signals and discriminates between large background sources and smaller target signals); Zwischennegativ n (of a repeater)
paleont. Reticulum m
weap. Absehen n; Strichplatte f
grid reticle ['retɪk(ə)l] n
opt. Strichkreuzplatte f; Strichplatte f
object reticle ['retɪk(ə)l] n
opt. Zwischenschablone f (of a repeater)
 English thesaurus
reticle ['retɪk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr., plast. reticule
reticle alignment
: 119 phrases in 7 subjects
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics24
Weapons and gunsmithing7