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rascal ['rɑ:sk(ə)l] n
gen. Bengel m; Gauner m; Lausbube m; Lausebengel m; Schuft m; Fratz m (ugs.: freches Mädchen); Frechdachs m; Früchtchen n (ugs.: ungezogenes Kind, junger Mensch); Schlingel m; Bösewicht m; Lotterbube veraltet
inf. Lausbub m
tech. Halunke m; Lümmel m
rascals n
gen. Schufte m
inf. Lausbuben m; Spitzbuam österr.
 English thesaurus
RASCAL ['rɑ:sk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr., el. random access secure communications antijam link
abbr., mil., air.def. random access sequence communication anti-jam link
abbr., space responsive access, small cargo, affordable launch
RASCAL ['rɑ:sk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. Responsive Access Small Cargo Affordable Launch
abbr., BrE Royal Aircraft Establishment Sequence Calculator
abbr., ed., scient. Research And Special Collections Available Locally
abbr., mil. Rotocraft/ Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory
abbr., scottish Radar di Scoperta e Controllo Aereo Locale (Short-range air surveillance radar system (Italy))
abbr., transp. Rotorcraft Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory
mil. random access secure communications anti-jam link
tech. Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis; random-access secure communications anti-jam link
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects