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ram [ræm] n
gen. Ramme f; Schafsbock m; Sturmbock m; Widder m; Rammbär m; Ramme f (für Spundwände); stauchen; stoßen; Druckkolben m; Rammbock n; Schafbock m; Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch Microgeophagus ramirezi; Stoßheber m; einrammen; Bock Schafsbock; stampfen Boden, Metall
chem. Bär m
CNC Anschlag m
coal. Andruckzylinder
coal., met. Druckstange f
industr. Ausdrückmaschine f; Ausdrückstange f; Druckmaschine f
life.sc. Eissporn n
mech.eng. Dorn m; Werkzeugstößel m; Stoßschlitten m; Stößelschlitten m
met. Backe f; Winde f; Hebebock m
mining. Rückzylinder m; drückend wirkende Rückvorrichtung; Golderz n; Sumpferz n; Raseneisenerz n; Morasterz m; See-Erz f; Wiesenerz m; Koksausdrückmaschine f; Pumpe f; Plungerkolben m
nautic. Sporn m
tech. Fallbär m; Kolben m; Pressenstößel m; Stößel m; Stempel m; Rammsporn m
weap. ansetzen; Pressenstempel m
RAM [ræm] n
commun. Arbeitsspeicherbereich m (below 640 kB, for DOS and applications, PC)
comp. Arbeitsspeicher m; Speicher mit wahlfreiem Zugriff; Lese-Schreib-Speicher f; RAM
meas.inst. Funkdämpfungsmessung f
microel. Schreib-/Lesespeicher m
nucl.phys., радиоакт. radioaktiver Stoff
радиоакт. Radioaktivität f; Aktivität f; radioaktives Material
rams machines n
gen. Rammen Maschinen
ram earth in shuttering [ræm] n
construct. stampfen (Lehm in Schalung)
to ram [ræm] n
transp. stampfen; rammen
ram of seal shaper [ræm] n
gen. Andrücker
rams hand tools n
gen. Handrammen f
rams v
gen. rammt
ram [ræm] v
gen. festrammen
construct. treiben (Pfahl); feststampfen
mining. rammen; verdämmen; stampfen; besetzen (ein Bohrloch)
tech. Rammblock
rammed [ræmd] v
gen. gerammt; rammte
 English thesaurus
RAM [ræm] abbr.
abbr., auto. крепления RAM Mounts (udafflong); rapid action manifold; ride air module
abbr., avia. ram air; remote access monitor; resident access methods; rocket assisted motor
abbr., chem. rate accelerating material
abbr., el. Radiation-absorbent material (iwona)
abbr., law Revenue Accounting and Management (Система учёта и управления доходами Ведомства по патентам и товарным знакам США Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., med. rapid alternating movements (Павел Журавлев)
abbr., mil. radar-absorbent materials
abbr., mil., air.def. radar assisted missile
abbr., plast. restricted area moulding
.ram n
file.ext. Real Audio Metafile (file name extension)
Ram [ræm] abbr.
abbr., oil Raman effect in spectrum analysis
RAMS abbr.
abbr. Risk Analysis And Management System; Record Archival Management System; Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, And Supportability; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Российская Академия Медицинских Наук (РАМН) Палачах)
abbr., avia. radar advanced measurement system
abbr., busin. Repair, Assembly and Maintenance Shop
abbr., commun. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Agent Master Server
abbr., earth.sc. random access measurement system; regional atmospheric modelling system
abbr., ed. Responsibility And Management Skills
abbr., el. regional automated management system
abbr., media. Radio Audience Measurement Survey
abbr., mil. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Supportability; Remote Activation Munitions System
abbr., mus. Rockin Against Multiple Sclerosis
abbr., nautic., scient. Regional Atmospheric Modeling System
abbr., oil radial adaptive multiple suppression
abbr., post Retail Access Management System (GIS tool to identify post office locations)
abbr., progr., IT Rebuildable Action Model System
abbr., scottish Racal Avionics Management System; Rapid Assembly of Munitions System
abbr., space reliability, availability, maintainability and security; repair and maintenance shop
abbr., st.exch. Registered Australian Mortgage Securities
abbr., transp. Roadmaster Active Suspension System
mil. reliability and maintainability status; reliability and maintainability studies; remote area mobility study; remote automatic multipurpose station
nautic. right ascension of the mean sun
O&G reliability, availability, maintainability and safety
O&G, karach. Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS stands for Risk Assessment Method Statement — an important health and safety document that is completed to identify the steps to be undertaken to carry out a specific activity or task in a safe manner. RAMS can be utilised in conjunction with the risk assessment process.)
oil, abbr. radial adaptive multiple sup-pression
tech. random-access measurement system; regional air monitoring station; regulatory activities manpower system; right ascension of mean sun
RAMs abbr.
virol. Resistance Associated Mutations (iwona)
: 319 phrases in 33 subjects
Earth sciences5
Food industry6
Health care2
Information technology23
Machinery and mechanisms1
Materials science1
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering42
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Weapons and gunsmithing1