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protection [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n
gen. Begünstigung f; Geborgenheit f; Schutz m; Wahrung f; Deckung Schach; Hut крижн.; Rieselschutz m (against trickling sand, gegen Sand)
comp., MS Schutz m (The process of protecting data from loss or corruption by centrally creating and maintaining replicas and shadow copies of the data. DPM is designed to provide short-term disk-based backup, to support rapid and reliable recovery of data)
econ. Schutzzoll m; Schutzzollsystem n; Zollschutz m
econ., amer. "Schutz" m; der von Gangsterbanden durch Bestechung der Polizei erkauft bzw unter erpresserischer Androhung von Gewalt "verkauft"; wird
el. Schutzmaßnahme f; Unfallschutz m
el., sec.sys. Selektivschutz m
emerg.care Schutz m
IT Schutzvorrichtung f
IT, tech. Verriegelung f; Sperre f; Unterbindung f
law, ADR Protektion f; Versicherungsschutz m
med. Verwahrung f; Absonderung f; Bewahrung f
tech. Absicherung f; Obhut f; Sicherung f; Schutz m (system)
transp. Relais n
Protection Brussels [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n
gen. SchutzBrüssel m
Protection [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n
comp., MS Schutz m (A tab within the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) that contains anti-virus/anti spam, and data loss protection)
protections n
gen. Schutzvorkehrungen
protection against trickling sand [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n
construct. Rieselschutz m (gegen Sand)
 English thesaurus
protection [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n
mil., abbr. prot; ptct
mil., logist. Notion designed as the Force’s capacity to preserve its integrity, that is to say its military and human potential, its installations, the support to the population and the local public opinion. (FRA)
USA Preservation of the effectiveness and survivability of mission-related military and nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, information, and infrastructure deployed or located within or outside the boundaries of a given operational area (JP 3-0) see also mission-oriented protective posture, space control; In space usage, active and passive defensive measures to ensure that United States and friendly space systems perform as designed by seeking to overcome an adversary’s attempts to negate them and to minimize damage if negation is attempted (JP 3-14) see also mission-oriented protective posture, space control
protection capacity
: 7 phrases in 1 subject
Procedural law7