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environ. Belastung
gen. Dringlichkeit; Druck; unter Druck setzen; zwingen
environ. Belastung
med. Compressio
phys. Spannung
| atmospheric
gen. atmosphärisch
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
pressure ['preʃə] n
gen. Dringlichkeit f; Druck m; unter Druck setzen; zwingen; Druck m (MaßE)
agric. Andrang m; Druckhöhe f; Fal m; Förderhöhe f; Druckgefälle n
construct. Spannung f (electric, elektrische); Druck- m
econ. Bedrängnis f; Not f; Zwang m (z.B. von Geschäften)
emerg.care Druck m
environ. Belastung f
fenc. Klingenpression f
med. Compressio f
phys. Spannung f (of vapor); Drücken f; Pressen n
scub. der Druck
tech. Druckkraft f; Preßdruck m; Pressung f; Zwang m
Pressure ['preʃə] n
environ. Belastung f
over- pressure ['preʃə] n
gen. Überdruck m
pressure to address a problem. ['preʃə] n
ed. Problemdruck m
pressure A type of stress which is exerted uniformly in all directions; its measure is the force exerted per unit area ['preʃə] n
environ. Druck m
pressured ['preʃǝd] v
gen. drückte; unter Druck gesetzt
pressure ['preʃə] adj.
earth.sc. p
 English thesaurus
pressure ['preʃə] abbr.
abbr. pres.
abbr., auto. PRES/Press.
abbr., biol. pr
abbr., construct. p.
abbr., mining. psr
abbr., polym. p
abbr., silic. prs.
mil., abbr. press
Pressure ['preʃə] abbr.
abbr., insur. Hg; m.m.Hg
pressure, atmospheric
: 38 phrases in 16 subjects
Earth sciences4
Emergency medical care2
Foreign trade1
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics2
Scuba diving1
Радиоактивное излучение1