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polar axis
 polar axis
astr. Stundenachse; Rektaszensionsachse
life.sc. Polarachse
mineral. polare Achse
opt. Polachse; Rektaszensionsachse; Stundenachse
| of the
 of the
gen. vom; des
| earth
gen. Erde

to phrases
polar axis
astr. Stundenachse f; Rektaszensionsachse f
life.sc. Polarachse f
mineral. polare Achse
opt. Polachse f (aligned parallel to the axis of rotation of the earth; motion about this axis is in right ascension or hour angle); Rektaszensionsachse f (aligned parallel to the axis of rotation of the earth; motion about this axis is in right ascension or hour angle); Stundenachse f (aligned parallel to the axis of rotation of the earth; motion about this axis is in right ascension or hour angle)
phys. Polachse f
polar axis of the earth
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects