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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
pip [pɪp] n
gen. Kern m; Tombakstern m
agric. Pips m
bot. Samen m; Samenkorn n; Samenkern m
el. Pumpspitze f; visuelles Signal
industr., construct., met. Zentriernocken m
microel. Zacke f (auf dem Schirmbild)
tech. Zacke f
PIP =peripheral interface program n
gen. Interfaceprogramm n
 English thesaurus
PIP [pɪp] abbr.
abbr., pediatr. Paediatric Investigation Plan (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
pip. abbr.
abbr., missil. predicted impact point
PIP [pɪp] abbr.
abbr. Past International President; Peace Is Patriotic; People In Power; Percent Identity Plot; Performance Improvement Plan; Pointers In Person; Pretty In Pink; Public Involvement Plan; Packet Interface Port; Pain In The Posterior; Paper Impact Printing; Parent Involvement Program; Parents In Partnership; Participant Instrumentation Package; Partners In Parks; Partners In Prevention; Peak Input Power; Penalty Interest Payments; People Improving Processes; Performance Improvement Potential; Performance Improvement Program; Performance Incentive Points; Periodic Investment Plan; Permanent Inspection Point; Productivity Improvement Project (verner_rt); Personal Information Processing; Personal Information Processor; Personal Insulin Pump; Personal Interaction Panel; Personal Interest Partners; Personal Interest Plan; Pervy Insane Pornographer; Pesticide Initiative Programme; Pharmaceutical Interface Product; Pilot Point, Alaska USA; Plant It Project; Player Incentive Program; Plug In Panel; Plug-In Protocol (ZOC); Poetry In Progress; Political Influence Point; Politically Incorrect Party; Poly Implants Protheses; Pool In Pool; Postel's Internet Protocol; Pre-Impulsing Pulse; Prescription Information Package; Presence Information Panel; Present Illness Program; Pretentious Insane Pornographer; Price Interest Percentage; Pride In Performance; Primary Intervention Program; Priority Investment Program (sai_Alex); Process Improvement Project; Product Improvement Package; Product Improvement Packages; Programmable In Put; Programmable Interconnection Point; Programming In Pictures (Vosoni); Project For Innovative Poetry; project implementation process (zelechowski); Proximal Inter Phalanx; public investment program (Lavrov); Public Involvement Project; Purchasing Invoice Problem
abbr., anat. proximal interphalangeal (Игорь_2006)
abbr., auto. profile ignition pickup; profile ignition pickup signal
abbr., automat. probability information processing; product introduction process
abbr., avia. pack inlet pressure; partner interface processes; programmable interface processor; project integration plan; prove in plan; Phraseology Improvement Program
abbr., bank. profits on islamic products (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biotechn. Procollagen Type I C-peptide (Altuntash); protein interaction platform (Altuntash)
abbr., BrE Pricing In Proportion (2006, postage fees increased for oversize items)
abbr., build.struct. pour-in-place (igisheva)
abbr., busin. Product Improvement Plan; Product Improvement Program; programmed interconnection process; pure integer programming
abbr., chem. phosphatidylinositol phosphate
abbr., commer. Product Improvement Proposal/Program; Product Information Package (bigmaxus)
abbr., commun. Pix-in-Pix
abbr., comp.name. Phillips Imperial Petroleum, Ltd.
abbr., dentist. pressure indicator paste (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. particulate inorganic phosphorus; Phillips Imperial Petroleum Ltd.; photo interpretive program; probabilistic information processing system; push-in pressuremeter
abbr., econ. performance improvement planning
abbr., el. packet interface processor; parabolic index profile; path independent protocol; pattern information processing; persistent internal polarization; pin-in-line package; plasma-initiated polymerization; polyimide precursor; polysilicon-insulator-polysilicon (structure); positioning in progress; problem identification program; problem input preparation; process-induced particle; processor interface process; program initialization parameter; programmable integrated processor; pulse input proportional; product improvement program
abbr., file.ext. Pattern and Information Processing; Problem Isolation Procedure; Programmable Interconnect Point
abbr., footb. Pittsburgh Pirates
abbr., industr. products in process (es Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., inet. Put In Place
abbr., insur. personal injury protection
abbr., IT program initialization parameters; Peripheral Interchange Program; Programmable Input Processor; picture-in-a-picture; procedure interrupt positive
abbr., lab.eq. Project Investigator Patient
abbr., law Partners In Protection; Personal Injury Protection
abbr., med. Poly Implant Prothè (французская компания iwona); se (iwona); Product Information Page (bigmaxus); Paralytic Infantile Paralysis; Population Information Program; Prolactin-inducible Protein; Psychosis, Intermittent Hyponatremia, Polydipsia (syndrome); proximal interphalangeal (joint); peak inspiratory pressure (пиковое давление на вдохе Dimpassy); Physician Information Pack (ННатальЯ); Proximal Interphalangeal (finger joint doktortranslator)
abbr., media. Picture in Picture; Picture In Picture
abbr., mil. Precision Instrumentation Package
abbr., mil., avia. payload integration plan
abbr., mil., WMD personal improvement program; Process Improvement Plan
abbr., O&G pump intake pressure (Yerkwantai)
abbr., O&G, casp. performance improvement plan (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. process industry practices
abbr., O&G, sakh. pipe-in-pipe; push-in pipe (joint)
abbr., oil permanent internal polarization; Petroleum Incentives Program (Act); phase induced polarization; pipe inspection program; polyisoprene; production-injection packer; pump-in pressure
abbr., PCB pin-in-paste (Метран)
abbr., pediatr. Paediatric Investigation Plan (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol. Peak Inspiratory Pressure
abbr., physiol., med. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
abbr., plast. polyterephthalate
abbr., polym. Polymer Impregnation and Pyrolysis (bonly)
abbr., progr., IT Partner Interface Process; Picture In A Picture
abbr., scottish Pilot Indoctrination Programme; Platform Integration Pilot (UK); Product Improvement Phase / Programme; Pulse Interval Processor
abbr., space payload implementation plan; predicted interception point; predicted intercepter point; product-improvement program; pulse-interval processor
abbr., sport. Players In Progress
abbr., st.exch. Personal Investment Plan; Price Interest Point; price improvement period (aht)
abbr., telecom. picture-in-picture
abbr., textile professional indemnity policy
abbr., transp. Project Implementation Plan
el. Process-induced particles
energ.ind. plant intake piping; pressure-injected piping
invest. performance indexed paper
mil. parallel image processing; precise installation position; predicted impact point; predicted intercept point; preliminary information pamphlet; probabilistic information processing; product improvement proposal; program integration plan; project implementation plan; project initiation period; projected impact point
tech. payload integration plan; peak impact pressure; performance indicator program; petroleum incentive program; position indication probe; precise instrument pointing; production injection packer; programmable in-line package; programmable interconnection pattern; programmed interconnection pattern
pip: 31 phrases in 13 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Information technology1
Measuring instruments1
Natural sciences1