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pinto ['pɪntəu] n
gen. Scheck m
amer. Schecke Pferd
med. Vicara n; Boussarole n; Cuté m; Gusarole n; Piquite; Azul n; Cativi m; Lota m; Mal de Pinto; Mancha m; Pannus curateus; Pinta f; Pinta-Krankheit f; Pinto m; Puru-Puru m; Quiriqua f
pinto ['pɪntəu] adj.
amer. gescheckt; scheckig Pferd
 English thesaurus
PINTO ['pɪntəu] abbr.
abbr. Paid Inspector Nicely To Overlook; Put In New Transmission Often; Put In Nickel To Operate
abbr., oil Petroleum Industry National Training Organization
pinto: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Food industry3