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physical geography ['fɪzɪk(ə)lʤɪ'ɔgrəfɪ]
gen. Physiogeografie f
ed. physikalische Geographie
geogr. physische Geographie (ssn); Physiogeographie f (ssn)
mining. physische Geografie; physikalische Geografie; Geomorphologie f
physical geography The study of the spatial and temporal characteristics and relationships of all phenomena within the Earth's physical environment ['fɪzɪk(ə)lʤɪ'ɔgrəfɪ]
environ. Physische Geographie
 English thesaurus
physical geography ['fɪzɪk(ə)lʤɪ'ɔgrəfɪ]
abbr. phys.geog.
Physical Geography ['fɪzɪk(ə)lʤɪ'ɔgrəfɪ]
abbr. PG
physical geography
: 1 phrase in 1 subject