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archaeol. Polyethylenglykol
gen. Haltestift; Klammer; Pflock; Stöpsel; Holzdübel; Stift
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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
peg [peg] n
gen. Haltestift m; Klammer f; Pflock m; Stöpsel m; Holzdübel m; Stift m (kleiner Holzstift, auch Verbindungs-, Zentrierstift etc.); Zapfen m (in Hähnen); Spund m; Duebel m; abstecken; auspflocken; vermarken; dübeln (Holztechnik); anheften; anklammern; annageln; anpflocken; festpflocken; dübeln Holztechnik
athlet. Auflagepflöckchen n
busin. Wäscheklammer f
chem. Zwecke f; Döbel m
commun. Blindstöpsel m
construct. Keil eines Hobels; Meßkettenstab m; Holznagel m; Pinne f; Splint m; Steckstift m
cultur. Wirbel m
econ. Aufhänger m; Kursstützung f; Preisstützung f; Marktstützung f; befestigen; aufhängen; halten; festhalten; fixieren; festlegen; stützen; stabilisieren (Preise, Löhne, Kurse)
footwear Nagel m
forestr. Fluchtstab m
industr., construct. Spitze f
med. Stift m
met. Keil m; Stellkeil m; Distanzstück n (block for forging tools); Abstandsblock m (block for forging tools)
met., mech.eng. Haltestein m
mine.surv. Bolzen m
pack. hölzerner Nagel Dübel; Drahtstift m; Zapfen m
phys. Meßstab m
sport. Kleiderhaken m
survey. Absteckstab m; Markierungspfahl m; Drahtstift m (Verglasung); Wanddübel m
tech. Dübel m; Haken; Absteckungspfahl m; Absteckungsstab m; Festpunkt m; Messmarke f; pflocken; Mitnehmer m; Finger m; Stecker m
textile Lagerzapfen m
transp. Absteckpfahl m; Stab m; Picket
transp., construct. Pfahl m
PEG [peg] n
archaeol. Polyethylenglykol n
pegs not of metal [pins] n
gen. Dübel Verbindungsdübel, Stifte, nicht aus Metall
peg exchange rates [peg] n
IMF. Referenzwährung f
peg tuning [peg] n
gen. Stimmwirbel Saiteninstrument
peg peg to hang an article on [peg] n
commun. Aufhänger m
peg [peg] v
construct. stecken; verstiften; dübeln
law, ADR Preise, Kurse, Löhne stützen (unverändert halten)
mining. sich verstopfen; zusetzen; verkrusten (Sieb); abstecken (Feld)
PEG [peg] abbr.
archaeol. PEG
 English thesaurus
peg [peg] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pegmatite
abbr., securit. pegging
econ. the prices (back)
PEG [peg] abbr.
abbr., avia. process engineering group
abbr., el. prime event generation; principle of equivalent generator
abbr., med. percutaneous endoscopic controlled gastrostomy
abbr., polym. poly (ethylene glycol)
PEGS abbr.
abbr., automat. project engineering and graphics system
abbr., earth.sc. preliminary engineering geological study
abbr., oil program to evaluate gun systems
Nasdaq Pegasus Systems, Inc.
PEG [peg] abbr.
abbr. Political Economy And Government; Professional Engagement Group; Professional Experts Group; Promoting Electronic Government; Public Education And Government; Prospective Earnings Growth (Alexander Matytsin); Photo Exploitation Group; Priorities for ELINT Guidance; Priority Exploitation Group; Program Element Group; principle of the equivalent generator
abbr., chem. polyethyleneglycol (MichaelBurov); polyethylenglycol (<не рек.> MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Poly Ethylene Glycol
abbr., earth.sc. petrochemical energy group
abbr., econ. price/earnings ratio growth (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., ed. Perform Excel And Grow; Professional Emphasis Group
abbr., ed., scient. Participation Education Group
abbr., inet. Pretty Excellent Guy
abbr., IT Progress E-Mail Group
abbr., med. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostom (перкутанная эндоскопическая гастростомия WAHinterpreter); Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (WAHinterpreter); Patient Evaluation Grid; Pneumoencephalogram; Pneumoencephalography; Polyethylene Glycol; Progression Elevated Gene; percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (Vosoni)
abbr., media. Public, Education, and Government Access cable channels
abbr., mil. Program Evaluation Group
abbr., oil pressure evaluation geologists; price/earnings to growth
abbr., pharm. Paediatric Expert Group (экспертная группа в области педиатрии CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol., med. Gastric Tube; Para Entero Gastrostomy; Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy; Percutaneous Exterior Gastrostomy; PneumoEncephaloGram; PolyEthylene Glycol
abbr., polym. polyethylene glycol
abbr., post Program Evaluation Guide (Postal Service Safety and Health)
abbr., relig. Personally Experiencing God
abbr., space powered explicit guidance
abbr., st.exch. Price Earnings Growth; Price Earnings To Growth; Price/Earnings to Growth ratio; Public Service Enterprises
airports, avia. Perugia, Italy
med., abbr. polyethylenglycol
mil. performance evaluation group; program evaluation group
st.exch. price-earnings-growth (dimock)
Peg [peg] abbr.
lat. Pegasus (Пегас Vosoni)
PEG TUBE [peg] abbr.
physiol., abbr. Para Entero Gastrostomy (tube)
peg: 238 phrases in 33 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
British usage, not spelling9
Cycling other than sport4
Gear train1
Health care1
International Monetary Fund37
Life sciences3
Measuring instruments2
Mechanic engineering3
Mine surveying1
Municipal planning1
Natural sciences1
Textile industry2
Weapons and gunsmithing1