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noun | verb | to phrases
parole [pə'rəul] n
gen. Kurzurlaub aus Haft; Parole f; Strafunterbrechung f
comp. Kennwort n; Passwort n
law Ehrenwort n; Haftaussetzung n; bedingte Strafaussetzung; Strafaussetzung zur Bewährung (in den Vereinigten Staaten eine vorzeitige Haftentlassung auf Bewährung wikipedia.org Bursch)
parole release of a prisoner before his or her sentence is complete, on the promise of future good behavior n
law bedingte Straferlass
paroles n
gen. Parolen f
parole [pə'rəul] v
law bedingt entlassen
paroling v
gen. bedingt entlassend
 English thesaurus
parole [pə'rəul] n
law release of a prisoner before his or her sentence is complete, on the promise of future good behavior; Supervised release of a prisoner that allows the person to serve the rest of the sentence out of prison if all conditions of release are met
law, abbr. p.
parole: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Foreign trade3