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on the nod
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on the nod
brit., inf. with no discussion or controversy (The New Economic Policy (or NEP) in its rudimentary form was approved almost on the nod and the Leninists won the debate on the trade unions without difficulty. • For similar reasons, the Conservative Chief Whip was determined not to allow the Bill to 'go through on the nod' and was prepared if necessary to object on the grounds that the Bill raised important issues. • Finally, if they decided to award a triumph, the petition was presented to the people of Rome for ratification, which always went through on the nod. wiktionary.org); by general agreement and without discussion (Parliamentary approval of the treaty went through on the nod • The item was not actually discussed but instead went through on the nod. • 'You never hear about the ones that go through on the nod,' he says. • Turning for home Vintage Storm was joined by All the Swallows and it was nip and tuck all the way to the finish with Vintage Storm winning on the nod by a head in 29.84. • The overspill office block built for Westminster cost more, and that went through on the nod, with none of the controversy and bad publicity attached. • Fortunately, this application is unlikely to pass on the nod. • However, decisions are made and go through on the nod before the inconvenience of having to notify the public. • More than anything else, it's important there is resistance rather than cuts just going through on the nod. • Why it felt this was necessary is something that no one can adequately explain, especially since very similar reports were passed through on the nod. • My divorce went through on the nod, but I didn't fight it, believing it to be the only option for both of us. • Why can't they just put it through on the nod for Heaven's Sake? lexico.com); without discussion or argument (go through on the nod: This issue should be properly debated, not simply go through on the nod. macmillandictionary.com); by general agreement and without people discussing it (The chairman’s proposals are usually passed on the nod. • Everything went through on the nod. • Funds for major projects and programmes have been approved virtually on the nod. • Ira Sanchez offered a bet and the bookie took it on the nod. ldoceonline.com); without being questioned or argued about (The party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod. collinsdictionary.com); agreed, as in a committee meeting, without any formal procedure (Norman's tender for the building work went through on the nod; he and Art would split the profits from the council's purchase of the land. collinsdictionary.com); agreed to with a general consensus, rather than a formal discussion (The national security funding bill was passed on a nod, with no real opposition. • The decision to increase bus fares went through on the nod. thefreedictionary.com)
obs., inf. on credit (A flashly attired individual lobbed into a well-known King Street bar the other day and espied a venerable old gentleman ordering some refreshment. With a view to securing a drink on the nod, the wearer of the gaudy raiment went up to him and said: “I fancy I’ve seen you before?” “Very probably,” dryly explained the old ’un. “I am a pawnbroker!” • The sailor-men ... get their drinks and are not willing to pay. One day one of them carried the scheme so far as to get a drink on the nod and then to swallow the contents of the glass, into which he had poured a white powder that he carried with him. Feigning death, he was dragged out of the hotel by Joe, who was alarmed lest the police should appear and a dead drunk be found on the premises. lexico.com)
sl., drug. in a stuporous state following a high from heroin (She was nearly 'on the nod' from all the heroin she had coursing through her veins and couldn't handle a struggle. • After that, Bobby Joe wandered, doing odd jobs, stealing for his daily fixes, moving with one old lady and then another, always more or less in a fog or on the nod and desperate for smack and bread, until he landed in the Evening Star commune out on Milagro's Strawberry Mesa with Lady Elephant, nee Christina Cupcoe, on his arm. • ...when an addict admitted that he had gone on the nod in his bed on Christmas Day with a needle still stuck in his arm and his baby daughter asleep on his chest. wiktionary.org); alternating between wakefulness and sleepiness on account of heroin use (lexico.com)
on the nod: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Social science2