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 English thesaurus
ng abbr.
abbr. nanogram (me); no go; nanogramme
abbr., med. μ mg; mμg
agric. new genus
ng. abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. nanogram
NG abbr.
abbr. Neighborhood Guide; Northern Germany; NewsGroup (DFUE-Slang, Usenet); needle gauge (vlad-and-slav); New Guinea
abbr., auto. new generation; no-go
abbr., avia. number of gas producer RPM (schyzomaniac); nitroglycerin (e); nose gear; next generation; not go; Lauda Air Lauda AirLuftfahrt GmbH (AUA)
abbr., busin. not good
abbr., chem. nitroglycerin; devil's brew
abbr., comp., net., IT Number Of Groups
abbr., earth.sc. non-hydrated glass
abbr., econ. net gain; no or not good
abbr., ed., scient. No Grade
abbr., el. negative glow; negotiation group; noise gate; noise generator; non-governmental
abbr., el., scient. Noise Gain
abbr., file.ext. Hypertext Database (Norton Guide Vosoni); Online documentation database (Norton Guide)
abbr., inet. New Guy; Nice Girl
abbr., IT No Gap
abbr., med. N-G; NasoGastric; Nitroglycerin; Nursing Home (babichjob); nasogastric (Vosoni); new growth; no growth
abbr., media. National Geographic
abbr., mil. National Guard; No Good
abbr., mil., avia. narrow gage; narrow gauge
abbr., O&G neutron gamma log (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. network gateway
abbr., oil no gauge; natural gravel; net gas; net to gross pay ratio; neutron-gamma reading; not graded; number group
abbr., physiol., med. Nasal Gastric
abbr., polit. Nigeria
abbr., polym. natural gas; nitroglycerine
abbr., scottish Nouvelle Generation (New generation (France))
abbr., space nitroguanidine
abbr., spectr. neutral glass (igisheva)
abbr., tech. Natural Gas (Gasification Technology Conference ArigaB)
energ.ind., abbr. next-generation; nuclear gas
mil., abbr. national guardsman
polit., abbr. Niger
tech., abbr. navigation and guidance; night goggles; no gage; noble gas
Ng. abbr.
abbr. Norwegian
Ng abbr.
abbr., geol. Neogene (MichaelBurov)
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
High energy physics1