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to phrases
narratives n
gen. Erzählungen f
narrative ['nærətɪv] n
gen. Bericht m; Erzählung f; Geschichte f; Schilderung f; Erzählen n
busin., IT Anmerkung f (in DFD); verbale Beschreibung (in DFD)
econ. Darstellung f; Wiedergabe f; Beschreibung f (Fakten)
fin., IT Informationen für den Empfänger
market. Buchungstext m
microel. Kommentar m (zur Befehlskodierung)
 English thesaurus
narrative ['nærətɪv] n
gen. a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values (merriam-webster.com A.Rezvov)
lit. A story or account. In dramas the narrative generally advances through the action of the play.
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects
Artificial intelligence4
Pharmacy and pharmacology1