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nadir ['neɪdə] n
gen. Fußpunkt m; Tiefstand m; Tiefpunkt m; Tiefstpunkt m; Tiefststand m
econ. niedrigster Stand
life.sc. Fusspunkt m; Nadir m
opt. Nadir m (point); Nadirpunkt m (point)
phys. Nadirpunkt m
 English thesaurus
nadir ['neɪdə] abbr.
abbr. nad
med. The lowest point. For example, a person's nadir CD4 count is the person's lowest CD4 count. see also CD4 Count
NADIR ['neɪdə] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. network anomaly detection and intrusion reporter
nadir: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Cultural studies6
Earth sciences4
Life sciences1
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics6