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master copy ['mɑ:stə 'kopi]
gen. maßgebliches Exemplar; Master Copy (An original document, recording, film, etc., from which copies can be made); Kopiervorlage f; Originalvorlage f (An original document, recording, film, etc., from which copies can be made); Vorlage f (An original document, recording, film, etc., from which copies can be made)
commun. geschnittene Sendekopie; geschnittenes Sendeband; Mutterkopie f; Stammkopie f
comp., MS Masterkopie f (The most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database)
mech.eng. Nachformschablone f; Kopierlineal n; Kopierschablone f
patents. Originalexemplar n (eines Abdrucks)
video. Sendekopie f
 English thesaurus
Master Copy ['mɑ:stə 'kopi]
softw., abbr. MC
master copy: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Optics branch of physics1