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LG abbr.
abbr. lovely greetings
 English thesaurus
LG abbr.
abbr. light automatic gun; light guide
abbr., avia. logic gate; left gunner
abbr., busin. language; lining; loss and gain; low-grade
abbr., chem. Leucylglycine
abbr., dril. low gravity
abbr., earth.sc. lagoon-gulfs; leucogabbro; level gage
abbr., oil lagoon-gulf; lean gas; legal value; level gauge; Liaison Group; liberated gas; ligroine; loop gain
abbr., space laser gyro
abbr., tech. low gear
lg abbr.
abbr. large; left guard; length; long; low grade; logarithmic
abbr., conv.notation. log10 (десятичный логарифм igisheva)
avia. landing gear
insur. Loading
mining. logarithm
O&G level glass
tech., abbr. common logarithm
lg. abbr.
abbr., commer. long
abbr., earth.sc. length; logarithm
abbr., textile light grayish
LG abbr.
abbr. Lazy Guy; Letter of Guarantee; Linkage Group; Looking Good; Lucky Group; ACC Director of Logistics; Larry Giles; Leader Goldstar; Leather Girl; Line Graph; Linear Gate; List Grids; Little Girl; Living Quarters (Yeldar Azanbayev); Lost Goldstar; Lost Guts; lovely greetings; Lover Girl; Lunar Government
abbr., auto. light green; liquified gas; logic ground; luggage
abbr., avia. light gun; laser gyroscope (gyro); local gluing
abbr., BrE Life Guards
abbr., comp., IT Lucky Goldstar
abbr., comp., net., IT Local Group
abbr., ed., scient. Letter Grade
abbr., el. light generator; line group; load generator; logical group; Lucky-Goldstar Group
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (Arhangel); Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo)
abbr., food.ind. Large Gulp; Lip Gloss
abbr., goldmin. Lerchs-Grossmann's Algorithm (mine Bema)
abbr., inet. Last Guess; Lazy Gourmet; Little Guy
abbr., IT Legend Group; Line Good; Lions Gate; Log General; line generator; lucky Goldstar (Bricker)
abbr., law Lying Girl
abbr., med. Lennox-Gastaut (syndrome); Liver Graft; dl-leucylglycine
abbr., mil. deputy chief of staff for logistics
abbr., mining. low-grade (руда vbadalov)
abbr., polit. Latvia
abbr., polym. large-grain
abbr., relig. Living God
abbr., sport. Laggy Game; Last Game
abbr., st.exch. LaClede Gas Company
abbr., tech. lubricating grease (13.05)
abbr., textile Large
abbr., tradem. Lord's Gym
gas.proc. longwall gasifier
mil. landing ground; landing group; large grain; launcher group; Lewis gun; liquid gas; logistics group
tech. liquefied gas
Lg. abbr.
abbr. large grain
abbr., earth.sc. large; leucogranites; low grade
Lg abbr.
abbr. lengthy
energ.ind. loss in dry products of combustion
Lg/ abbr.
abbr., oil ligroin
: 56 phrases in 2 subjects
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