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leased line
gen. Mietleitung f; Standleitung f
busin., IT festgeschaltete Leitung; gemietete Leitung
commun. Festanschluß m; Standleitung f (DIN 44302); Übertragungsweg im Netzmonopol
commun., IT zugeordnete Schaltung
comp., MS Mietleitung f (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
transp. verpachtete Bahn; verpachtete Linie
 English thesaurus
leased line
IT A communication line permanently assigned to connect two points, as opposed to a dial-up line that is only available and open when a connection is made by dialing the target machine or network. Also known as a dedicated line
leased line
: 19 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1