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law enforcement agencies
gen. Strafverfolgungsbehörden f; Exekutivorgane n
law enforcement agency
gen. Exekutivorgan n; Vollzugsbehörde f
law Strafverfolgungsorgan n (управытэль); Strafverfolgungsbehrde f (управытэль); Strafverfolgungsbehörde f (управытэль); Sicherheitsexekutive; Strafverfolgungs-/Vollzugsbehörde f; Strafverfolgungsstelle f
law, commun. gesetzlich ermächtigte Behörde
 English thesaurus
law enforcement agency
USA Any of a number of agencies outside the Department of Defense chartered and empowered to enforce US laws in the United States, a state or territory or political subdivision of the United States, a federally recognized Native American tribe or Alaskan Native Village, or within the borders of a host nation (JP 3-28)
Law Enforcement Agency
IT, abbr. LEA (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)
mil., abbr. LEA
law enforcement agencies
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
United Nations1