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inventory control
busin. Bestandsaufnahme f; Bestandskontrolle f
busin., IT Lagerbestandssteuerung f; Lagerbestandsüberwachung f; Lagersteuerung f
econ. Kontrolle der Vorräte durch buchmäßige und physische Methoden; Erfassung der Lagerbestände; Vorratsbewirtschaftung f
IT Bestandsprüfung f
nat.res. Lagerbestandüberwachung m (data processing); Speichervorratslenkung f (data processing)
polygr. Lagerkontrolle f
tech. Inventurkontrolle f; Lagerhaltung f
 English thesaurus
inventory control
mil., logist. That phase of military logistics which includes: the definition of requirements, the procurement, sorting, checking and distribution, and of materiel. (FRA)
USA That phase of military logistics that includes managing, cataloging, requirements determinations, procurement, distribution, overhaul, and disposal of materiel (JP 4-09)
inventory control
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1