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noun | abbreviation
ier n
comp. Multiplikator m; Multiplizierer m; Faktor m; Vervielfacher m
microel. Multipliziereinrichtung m; Multiplikand m
 English thesaurus
IER abbr.
abbr. income equivalent ration
abbr., anim.husb. Institute d'Economie Rurale
abbr., commer. Information Exchange Requirement
abbr., dipl. Organization for International Economic Relations
abbr., el. individual equipment reliability; instruction execution rate; interface evaluation report
abbr., mil. Independent Evaluation Report; information exchange requirement; information exchange requirements
abbr., mil., WMD Independent evaluation report
abbr., nucl.phys. ionizing electromagnetic radiation
abbr., O&G, sakh. Instrument equipment room
abbr., physiol., med. Immediate Eye Relief
abbr., polym. ion-exchange resin
abbr., soil. income equivalent ratio
mil. individual education record; interim engineering report
mil., abbr. individual evaluation report; industrial equipment reserve; inherent equipment reliability; inventory equipment requirement
IER abbr.
abbr., avia. institute of engineering research; institutes for environmental research
abbr., commer. International Emergency Reserve
abbr., earth.sc. Indian Electricity Rules; Institute for Environmental Research; Institute of Energy Research; Institute of Engineering Research, California; Institute of Environmental Research; Institute of Exploratory Research; isotopic equilibrium ratio
abbr., econ. internal economic rate of return
abbr., oil instantaneous elastic recovery; Institute for Environment Research
abbr., space Institutes for Environ mental Research; ion exchange resin