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gen. Intercity Express
gen. Eis; vereisen
patents. Kühleis
refrig. beeisen; Wassereis
social.sc. freebase Speed
social.sc. health. Dixies
| generator
gen. Dynamo

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
ICE [aɪs] n
gen. Intercity Express
ice [aɪs] n
gen. Eis n; vereisen
patents. Kühleis n
refrig. beeisen (to); Wassereis m
scub. das Eis
social.sc. freebase Speed; Ice m
social.sc., health. Dixies f; Schnellmacher m; Speed m; Splash f
tech. Eisdecke f; Eisfläche f; Glatteis n; glasieren
ice [aɪs] v
emerg.care vereisen
icing ['aɪsɪŋ] v
environ. Vereisen
iced [aɪst] v
gen. vereist
ice [aɪs] adj.
social.sc. Glass; Superspeed
ice The dense substance formed by the freezing of water to the solid state; it commonly occurs in the form of hexagonal crystals [aɪs] adj.
environ. Eis
ICE Intercity Express [aɪs] abbr.
gen. Intercity-Express
 English thesaurus
ICE [aɪs] abbr.
abbr., auto. integrated center electronic (unit)
ICE [aɪs] abbr.
abbr. Icelandic; Immigration And Customs Enforcement; Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics; United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Scanner); Immigration Controls Everything; Income Cost Exercise; Independent Cosmetology Educators; Information Controls Equipment; Informed Customer's Edge; Initial Change Equilibrium; Institute of Chemical Engineering; Institute of Civil Engineers (UK); Instructional Computing Environment; Instructor Certification Examination; Integrated Cab Electronics; Integrated Chemical Engineering; Integrated Communications Environment; Integrated Correction And Enhancement; Integration Centric Engineering; Intelligence Comprehension And Execution; Interface Code Error; Interface Control Element; Internal Consistency Evaluation; Institute Francaise des Combustibles et de l'Energy; incircuit emulator; International "Centres of Excellence"; International Center for the Environment; International Cometary Explorer (Space); International Cultural Exchange; Internet Centric Excellence; Internet Connectivity Enterprise; Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancement; Inventory Control Effectiveness; Inventory Control Expert; Investigating Curious Evidence; Involve Citizens Early; iridocorneal endothelial syndrome; Isolate The Criminal Element; Institute of Civil Engineers
abbr., auto. In-Car Entertainment (автомобильная мультимедийная система aharin); in-car entertainment system (MichaelBurov); in car entertainment system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. icing; Information, Communication, Entertainment (Ying); in circuit emulation; in circuit emulator; input control element; instrument/checkout equipment; instrument/communication equipment
abbr., biotechn. inducible changes in the epigenome (индуцированные MichaelBurov); induced changes in the epigenome (индуцированные MichaelBurov); inducible changes in the epigenome (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. International Currency Market
abbr., cardiol. intracardiac echo (MichaelBurov); intracardiac echocardiography (MichaelBurov); intracardiac EchoCG (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. information and content exchange; input checking equipment
abbr., earth.sc. incompatible element; index of the composite environment; Institute of Civil Engineering (Tokyo); International Centre for the EnvironmentUN; inverse Compton effect; ion chromatography, exclusion mode; ion composition experiment; ion convection electrodynamics
abbr., econ. the institution of civil engineers
abbr., ed. Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education; International Corpus Of English; Information Centre on Education (Vosoni)
abbr., el. in-circuit emulator; integrated computing environment; independent cost estimation; insert communication equipment; integral contrast enhancement; integrated circuit editor; integrated circuit emulator; Integrated Circuit Engineering Corporation; intelligence correlation element; interface configuration environment; internal contrast enhancement technology; Internet communication environment
abbr., energ.ind. Institute of Chemical Engineering (США MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Archive (Cracked LHA, old Lha); Archive format (Vosoni)
abbr., fin. ICE Exchange (MichaelBurov)
abbr., geophys. Image Conditioning and Enhancement (0baton0)
abbr., health., med. In Case of Emergency
abbr., IT Information Concealment Engine; Information Content Exchange; Intelligent Concept Extraction; in-circuit emulation
abbr., ling. In Context Exact (whitehall)
abbr., Makarov. international cometary explorer; isolated-core excitation
abbr., med. Cardiac Electrophysiology (код больничного отделения Ying); Ichthyosis-cheek-eyebrow (syndrome); International Collaborative Effort On Injury Statistics; Intracardiac Echocardiography; Iridocorneal Endothelial (syndrome); ischemic cardiac event (ишемическая патология сердца Dimpassy); ischemic cardiovascular event (ишемическая сердечно-сосудистая патология Dimpassy); intracardiac echocardiography (altaica)
abbr., mil. Improved Combat Efficiency; Independent Cost Estimate; Information and Content Exchange (network protocol); Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)
abbr., mil., avia. ice-bound runway
abbr., mol.biol. Interleukin-1 Beta-Converting Enzyme (Игорь_2006)
abbr., oil International Consulting Engineers, Inc.
abbr., org.name. Institution of Civil Engineers (Gr. Br.)
abbr., pharm. ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide
abbr., polym. Institution of Chemical Engineers
abbr., progr. in-circuit emulation (внутрисхемная эмуляция ssn); in-circuit emulator (ssn)
abbr., proj.manag. International of Civil Engineers
abbr., railw. intercity express (Лорина)
abbr., scottish Independent Collection Equipment; Individual Compass Error; Innovative Control Effectors; Instant Camouflage Envelope; Integral Contrast Enhacnement; Integration with Controlled Error; Interference Cancelling Equipment; Internal Communications Exchange
abbr., sec.sys., IT Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
abbr., space interconnecting element; interference cancellation equipment
abbr., st.exch. Intercontinental Exchange (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tech. internal combustion engine (a heat engine where the combustion of a fuel occurs with an air in a combustion chamber Val_Ships)
abbr., tradem. Insane Creators Enterprise; Iron Crown Enterprises
abbr., transp. In Car Entertainment; IC engine (MichaelBurov); internal combustion engine (MichaelBurov)
mil. improved cost estimate; increased combat effectiveness; independent cost estimate; index of combat effectiveness; initial combat employment; intelligence and counterespionage; interconnect equipment; internal combustion engine
oil, abbr. International Centre for the Environment
tech. incircuit emulation; instrument checkout equipment; instrument/communications equipment; integrated cooling for electronics; internal-combustion engine
USA Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг, abbr. Intelligence College of Europe
Ice [aɪs] abbr.
abbr. Iceland; Icelandic
iCE [aɪs] abbr.
electrophor. imaged capillary electrophoresis (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
Ice. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Iceland
ice: 1069 phrases in 69 subjects
American usage, not spelling8
British usage, not spelling9
Earth sciences58
Emergency medical care2
Fish farming pisciculture2
Food industry28
Hobbies and pastimes18
Hydraulic engineering4
Ice hockey27
Information technology5
Labor law1
Life sciences139
Materials science4
Measuring instruments3
Mechanic engineering14
Medical appliances3
Mineral products1
Municipal planning5
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation24
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics2
Obsolete / dated2
Optics branch of physics2
Physical sciences1
Power lines3
Scuba diving1
Social science1
Speed skating16
Weapons and gunsmithing2