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noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
Hecke f f =, -n
gen. covey; hedge; hedgerow; quickset
agric. fencing; enclosure
construct. fence, hedge, lattice fence; etc.; garden hedge; live fence
nat.res. quickset hedge
tech. fence
hecken f
ornit. brood
Hecke n f =, -n
environ. hedge A line of closely planted bushes or shrubs, marking the boundaries of a field. The type of hedge varies between parts of the country, and its age can be dated from the number of species of tree and shrub present. Over the last thirty years hedge-row removal has had a marked visual effect on lowland agricultural landscapes. From the farmer's point of view, in areas of predominant arable or intensively managed grazing, there is little or no economic justification for retaining hedges
Heck n n -(e)s, -e
gen. back; poop; rear; stern; tail
emerg.care back
tech. rear side; tail unit
transp. rear fuselage; tail fairing
Heck adj.
kayak. stern of canoe
: 32 phrases in 14 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Earth sciences2
Emergency medical care1
Fish farming pisciculture2
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences1