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half moon [ˌhɑːf'muːn]
gen. Halbmond m
mining. Abteufhängebühne f (die die Schachtscheibe nur zur Hälfte abdeckt)
half-moon ['hɑ:f'mu:n]
astr. Mondviertel n
construct. rauhe Halbholzaußenverkleidung
 English thesaurus
half moon [ˌhɑːf'muːn]
inf. a first- or third-quarter moon (Half moon is often used to mean the first- and third-quarter moons, while the term quarter refers to the extent of the Moon's cycle around the Earth, not its shape.)
half -moon
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1
Weapons and gunsmithing1