
Google | Forvo | +
chem. verwittern; Verwitterung
| encoded
gen. codieren
IT verschlüsseln
med. kodieren
gen. codiert; kodiert; verschlüsselte; verschlüsselt
fig. verklausuliert
| resources information
 resource information
comp., MS Ressourceninformationen
| data management system
 data management system
phys. Ablagesystem
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] n
chem. verwittern; Verwitterung f
 English thesaurus
GEO ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. Gaming Enthusiast Online; Global Engagement Operations; Georgian; Geology
abbr., astronaut. geostationary orbit
abbr., avia. geostationary Earth orbit; geographic reference system
abbr., biotechn. Gen Expression Omnibus (Altuntash); genetically modified organism
abbr., el. geostationary; Gunn effect oscillator
abbr., file.ext. Geode (GEOS executable, Geoworks); GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file (GED2.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., genet. genetically engineered organism
abbr., IT geostationary earth orbit (Bricker)
abbr., meteorol. Gene Expression Omnibus
abbr., mil. Geosynchronous Earth Orbit; geosynchronous Earth orbit; geosynchronous (Киселев voen93)
abbr., mil., avia. geographic
abbr., nautic. Georgetown, Guiana
abbr., O&G, sakh. Government Executive Order (сах. Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil geophone
abbr., scottish Geostationery Earth Orbit
airports, abbr. Georgetown, Guyana
univer., abbr. Geography
Geo. abbr.
abbr. George; Georgia
abbr., earth.sc. geological
geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr. geodesy
Geo ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr., oil Georgia; Georgetown
GEO ['dʒɪ:ə(u)-] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Geostationary Earth Observatory; geosynchronous satellite; Geotechnical Engineering Office
abbr., oil gas and electric operation; geogram; geothermal
abbr., space geosynchronous earth observatory; geosynchronous equatorial orbit; geostationary satellite; geosynchronous orbit
abbr., UN Global Environment Outlook
geo: 24 phrases in 10 subjects
Earth sciences3
Information technology1
Life sciences5
Oil / petroleum1