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gen. G; Gis; Geses; Gisis
abbr. grin
slang Bandenmitglied; Gangster
phys.sc. tech. g; Fallbeschleunigungseinheit; Schwerebeschleunigungseinheit
| mol
gen. Mol

to phrases
G [ʤi:] abbr.
gen. G; Gis; Geses; Gisis; Ges
abbr. grin
slang Bandenmitglied; Gangster
g [ʤi:] abbr.
phys.sc., tech. g; Fallbeschleunigungseinheit; Schwerebeschleunigungseinheit
tech. Gramm
μg abbr.
med. Mikrogramm; pg
 English thesaurus
G [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr. Get; Gravity; General audience; gallon; government; grand; gulf; autogyro; centre of gravity; gage atmosphere; gelatine; General Staff; German; Gibbs free energy; lethal gases; modulus of rigidity; molecular conductance; thermodynamic potential
abbr., agrochem. gley; gleyed horizon
abbr., amer., slang сокр. от grand (4uzhoj)
abbr., auto. camshaft position; gas or gasoline
abbr., avia. Greenwich; guards only; galley; unit of gravitational acceleration; guard; gearline gages; grams
abbr., avia., med. acceleration
abbr., biol. guanine
abbr., BrE General List
abbr., busin. gains; garage; general intelligence; general type; Germany; gilt; glucose; gold; government expenditures on goods; grating; great; groove; gross; guage; guarantor; guess; guilty
abbr., cartogr. gravel
abbr., chem. p-quinone dioxime
abbr., cinema General audiences
abbr., commer. guilder; Guyana Dollar; gulden; Guyana
abbr., earth.sc. center of gravity; free energy; gale; gamet; gastropods; Geiger counter; general reports; geodesy; gibbsite; giga (10⁹); gibert; gilsa; glaucophane; gneiss; gourde; grade; granite-rhyolite; granitic apophysis; granoblastic; granodiorite; graphite; grass; gravimetry; grooves; guyot
abbr., ed. General
abbr., el. green; garbled; globular; goto; gyro
abbr., electr.eng. ground
abbr., energ.syst. generation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., expl. gramme
abbr., file.ext. Data chart (APPLAUSE)
abbr., footb. goals
abbr., IT gate; grin (Bricker)
abbr., med. Grade (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification: GX Grade Cannot Be Assessed, G1 Well Differentiated Tumor, G2 Moderately Differentiated Tumor, G3 Poorly Differentiated Tumor, G4 Undifferentiated Tumor); gram; giga; gravitation (newtonian constant of); guanosine or guanylic acid residues in polynucleotides; gravida (obstetric history); gas alert line; gel; glycine; gonidial colony; gradus; Greek; guanosine; scarlet; Gibbs energy; Gly; Gua
abbr., med.appl. Gauge (калибр иглы Ginger_Jane)
abbr., met. generator
abbr., mil., avia. gain
abbr., mus. gauss; gravitation constant
abbr., nucl.phys. G-value
abbr., numism. Good
abbr., O&G, sakh. billion
abbr., oil fluid gradient; geothermal gradient; geometrical; geometrical fraction; geometrical multiplier; geothermal; grainstone; gravitational field strength; shear modulus; total gas in place; gear; gelatin; gamma ray; gastropoda; gauge atmosphere; gauge/body protection (additional); gedrite; geometry factor; geophone; Gibbs function; Gilbert; glauconite; grain; granite; graph; gravimetric; graywacke; grease; grooves; group report; gully; guar gum; grounding; groundmass; guarantee; gun; gypsum
abbr., oncol. Gram
abbr., opt. giga-
abbr., photo. Gee-bar
abbr., phys. conductance; pair of Fraunhofer lines in the deep blue of the solar spectrum
abbr., physiol. Gangrene
abbr., pigeon.race. Grizzle
abbr., polym. Gauss
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (United Kingdom); Gendarmerie (France); giga- (thousand million); Golf (phonetic alphabet); Nerve agent (Chemical warfare); Time zone 97.5 E - 112.5 E (GMT -7)
abbr., soil. gently undulating
abbr., sport. goal; games played; games; g-force; games finished; grounders to flies ratio; goals for
abbr., tech. gravedad; la fuerza de gravedad (dos G significa un peso equivalente al doble del peso normal a causa de la fuerza centrífuga del avión; al levantar la proa se producen G positivas, mientras que al bajar la proa se producen G cero o negativas)
abbr., textile Gray
cinema A certificate issued by the MPAA indicating that a film is suitable for all ages. See also PG.
energ.ind., abbr. gain; giga; incident thermal radiation; mass flux; mass flux of gas or air; mass velocity; mass velocity of fluid
meteorol., abbr. genus of significant cloud; glider; gliding; green; gust; specific gravity
mil., abbr. garrison; gauge; general; glass; glider; gradient; grid; group; guidance; gunner; gunnery; gyroscope
mil., electr.eng. ground
tech., abbr. electric conductance; gage; galvanometer; gamma; gas degeneracy; ghost; girder; gleyed horizon; glutamine; go on; grant line; ground swell; gyromagnetic ratio; mass velocity; osmotic coefficient; power generator; selsyn transmitter
g [ʤi:] abbr.
abbr. gram, gramme (weight); gravity (force); acceleration due to gravity; gallons (Vosoni); specific conductance
abbr., avia. load factor
abbr., commer. Gesellschaft; gramme
abbr., dril. Gill
abbr., earth.sc. gabbro; granulite; gravitational acceleration; guide
abbr., el. acceleration of free fall
abbr., med. lethal gases; gingival; grimace
abbr., med., conv.notation. electrical conductivity; weight
abbr., oil greater than; goods
abbr., plast. gaseous
agric. gley
biol. gelding
electr.eng. g (единица ускорения (ускорение 40g - напимер, для акселерометров, датчиков близости); же Pothead)
gram. gender
med. gravitational constant; glabella (Natalya Rovina)
mil. Gravitational Acceleration Unit
mining. gram (me); gravel
O&G gram/gramme
opt. acceleration of gravity
polym. gas
USA graduate
Игорь Миг, abbr. the right of peoples to freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources
g. abbr.
abbr. gliding; gold; gramme; green
abbr., earth.sc. gallon; gaseous; good; graduate; grain; gravitation; gravity; grid
abbr., econ. guage; guinea
abbr., libr. general; gift; gilt; graphical; guide; gilt, with gilt edges
abbr., mining. gravel
abbr., textile grayish
mining. generator
textile gram
G. abbr.
abbr. guarantee (Vosoni); gage; gauge; gas; grease; gun
abbr., earth.sc. gauss; Geiger counter; glaucophane; gulf; günz
abbr., econ. Germany; grand
abbr., libr. German; Greece; Greek; Gothic letter
abbr., phys. gravitation constant
wood. cross cut saws for trimming boards and planks
+Gsub Z abbr.
abbr. head acceleration
g- abbr.
abbr. gallon; guinea
+Gsub Z abbr.
abbr., avia., med. head acceleration; head-to-tail oscillating acceleration
μg abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. microgramme
g- abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. gear; geared
μg abbr.
O&G, sakh. microgram (1 x 10-6 g)
+Gsub X abbr.
abbr. forward acceleration
+Gsub y abbr.
abbr. right acceleration
-Gsub y abbr.
abbr. left acceleration
+Gsub X abbr.
abbr., avia., med. forward acceleration
+Gsub y abbr.
abbr., avia., med. right acceleration; side-to-side oscillating acceleration
-Gsub y abbr.
abbr., avia., med. left acceleration
+Gsub x abbr.
abbr. front-to-back oscillating acceleration
-Gsub x abbr.
abbr. back acceleration
-Gsub z abbr.
abbr. tailward acceleration
μG abbr.
abbr. MicroGram
+Gsub x abbr.
abbr., avia., med. front-to-back oscillating acceleration
-Gsub x abbr.
abbr., avia., med. back acceleration
-Gsub z abbr.
abbr., avia., med. tailward acceleration
μG abbr.
abbr., biochem. microglobulin; микроглобулин (iwona)
v. g. abbr.
abbr., econ. verbi gratia
μμg abbr.
abbr., med. micromicrogram; picogram
'g abbr.
drw. V+ing (dimakan)
*g abbr.
mil., WMD microgram 1 x 10-6g or 1 x 10-3mg
g> abbr.
abbr., dril. gulf
@@v. g. abbr.
abbr., econ. verbi gratia
abbr., el. gigaohm
G+ abbr.
abbr., inet. Google+ (Artjaazz)
µg abbr.
abbr., med. microgram
G- abbr.
abbr., unit.meas. giga- (igisheva)
g‑ abbr.
physiol. g,D‑ (управляют D-сумчато-ядерными интрафузальными мышечными волокнами Игорь_2006)
: 359 phrases in 58 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Analytical chemistry1
Antennas and waveguides2
Artificial intelligence1
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences8
Fish farming pisciculture2
Foreign trade4
Health care6
High energy physics6
Immigration and citizenship1
Information technology1
International Monetary Fund8
Life sciences2
Materials science1
Measuring instruments6
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Nuclear physics14
Obsolete / dated2
Optics branch of physics3
Satellite communications1
Радиоактивное излучение2