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fir [fɜ:] n
gen. Fichte f; Tanne f (fälschlich: Fichte)
agric. Tannen- f
bot. Tanne f
forestr. Edeltanne f; Weisstanne f
mater.sc., construct. Kieferholz n; Tannenholz n
nat.sc., agric. Tanne f (Abies spp.); Tannenbaum m (Abies spp.)
pack. Tannenholz n (wood)
firs n
gen. Fichten f; Tannen f
 English thesaurus
fir [fɜ:] abbr.
abbr. flapper
biol. flower
mining. firkin
fir. abbr.
abbr. firkin
FIR [fɜ:] abbr.
abbr. Fact Information Report; First Information Report; Flexible Initiatives Resourcing; Foundation for the Investigation of Reality; Fast IRDA (IRDA); Field Investigative Region
abbr., astr., scient. Far Infra Red
abbr., auto. field information report; fuel injection relay
abbr., avia. flight information region (MichaelBurov); far infrared radiation; fault isolation rate; functional input report; further information request
abbr., ed. Fairyland In Reality
abbr., ed., scient. Field Investigation Research
abbr., el. finite impulse response; failure or inadequacy report; far infrared reflectivity; fault interrupt register; file indirect register; financial inventory report; focused infrared technology; frustrated internal reflection; fuzzy information retrieval
abbr., el., scient. Far InfraRed
abbr., fin. financial interrelations ratio
abbr., HF.electr. finite-duration impulse response
abbr., IT Fast Infrared; File Intermediate Representation; FastInfraRed; feedback information routing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., law First Information report (первый протокол, составленный в полиции о правонарушении Slawjanka)
abbr., media. Fahrner Image Replacement
abbr., mil. first-impressions report; first impression report
abbr., mil., air.def. far infra-red
abbr., opt. full indicator reading
abbr., org.name. Division des ressources halieutiques; Divisione risorse ittiche; Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Use and Conservation Division
abbr., police Force Information Room
abbr., proj.manag. Final Investment Review (Submission of Final Investment Review (FIR) Proposal: (a) For development projects, submission within one (1) month of the major contracts being put in place (circa 70% of contracts awarded) or within one (1) month of fabrication award whichever comes first. OR (b) For infill projects, submission within one (1) month from the completion of drilling activities. ixtra)
abbr., railw. Flats Industrial Railroad Company
abbr., scottish Flight Incident Recorder; Forza d'Intervento Rapido (Rapid intervention force (Italy)); Fuel Indicator Reading; Fuerza de Intervencion Rapida (Rapid intervention force, planned (Spain))
abbr., transp. Flight Information Region
abbr., vet.med., med. Feline Interaction Robot
energ.ind. fissile inventory ratio; fission gas removal
mil. facility installation review; far-infrared; fault isolation routine; fighters in reserve; flight information report; functional item replacement
mil., abbr. flight information region
tech. far-infrared radiometer; field intensity receiver; finite input response; flight information requirement; food irradiation reactor; functional item replacement program
FIRS abbr.
abbr., avia. forward infrared system
abbr., earth.sc. far-infrared spectra; far-infrared spectrometer
abbr., el. far infrared spectrometer; file interrogation and report system
abbr., mil. FORSCOM Issue Resolution System
abbr., mil., avia. far infrared spectra
abbr., oil far infra-red spectra
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale de Rollers Skating; International Roller Skating Federation
tech. field incident radio system
FIR [fɜ:] abbr.
abbr., busin. facility interference review; futures
abbr., earth.sc. flow indicator recorder
abbr., ecol. far-infrared radiation
abbr., med. Failure Investigation Report (peuplier_8)
abbr., multimed. finite impulse response filter
abbr., oil futures initial requirement
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale de Rugby
: 189 phrases in 21 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Food industry1
Life sciences2
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation6
Natural sciences10
Shooting sport1