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noun | noun | to phrases
fens [fenz] n
gen. Moore n; Sumpfgebiete n; Sumpfländer n
fen [fen] n
gen. Marschland n; Moor n; Sumpf m; Sumpfland n; Fenn n (nordd.); Moorland n
archaeol. Marsch m
construct. Heidesee m; Moorsee m; Fenn n; Tieflandsmoor n
environ. Niedermoor n
fen Waterlogged, spongy ground containing alkaline decaying vegetation, characterized by reeds, that may develop into peat. It sometimes occurs in the sinkholes of karst region [fen] n
environ. Niedermoor n
 English thesaurus
FEN [fen] abbr.
abbr. Free-net Erlangen/Nuernberg; First Event Notification (первичное уведомление о событии/ происшествии в сфере охраны труда Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., avia. Nernando de Noronha, FN, Brazil
abbr., el. far end noise; frequency emphasizing network
abbr., inet. Far East Network
abbr., IT Forsyth Edwards Notation
abbr., med. Flap Endonuclease (protein)
abbr., physiol. Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition
abbr., police Force Enterprise Network
abbr., sport. Forsythe Edwards Notation
Fen [fen] abbr.
abbr. fenestra
FENS [fenz] abbr.
abbr., med. Federation Of European Nutrition Societies
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Life sciences2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences2