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false positive
comp., MS falsch positives Ergebnis (A positive test or filter result in a subject or body of data that does not possess the attribute for which the filter or test is being conducted)
math. falsch positiv
pharma. falsch positive
chem. falschpositiv (falschnegativ, false-negative)
med. positiv
med., chem. falsch positiv
 English thesaurus
false positive
IT A result that has been mistakenly identified as a problem when, in reality, the situation is normal
med. A positive test result that incorrectly indicates that the condition being tested for is present when, in fact, the condition is actually not present. For example, a false positive HIV test indicates a person has HIV when, in fact, the person is not infected with HIV. see also false negative
False Positive
law, abbr. FP
false- positive
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1
Medical appliances1