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agric. pressen; zerknittern; zerknüllen; kneten; quetschen
chem. tauchen
construct. versenken; abteufen
econ. Rückgang
life.sc. industr. construct. impregnieren
| of a
 of a
gen. einer
| cable
gen. Kabel, nicht aus Metall

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
dip [dɪp] n
gen. Beschichtung f; Farbbad n; flüchtiger Blick; Gefälle n; Neigung f; Senkung f; Taschendieb m; Tauchbad n; Zipfel m; abblenden (Scheinwerfer); abfallen; färben; Kontaktende n; Einsattelung f
agric. Anhieb m; Fallkerb m
agric., chem. Tauchlösung f
amer. Dip m; Soße f; Tunke f
chem., met. tauchlackieren; Glasieren durch Begiessen
commun. Abfall m (voltage); Einbruch m
fin. Kursknick m
geol. Minimum n
industr., construct. freie Flotte; Passage f
industr., construct., met. Glasprobe f; Blattnahme
life.sc., coal. Inklination f; Neigungswinkel m
opt. Delle f
phys. Durchbiegung f; Tief n; Verengung m (des Horizonts, of the horizon)
slang Depp m
tech. beizen; durchhang
transp. Stoßstufe f
magnetic dip [dɪp] n
opt. Inklination f
dip female, archaic [dɪp] n
gen. Taschendiebin f
DIP [dɪp] v
comp. Doppelreihengehäuse; DIP-Gehäuse; DIL-Gehäuse; zweireihiges Schaltkreisgehäuse (Anschlußstiftanordnung in 2 Reihen)
dip [dɪp] v
gen. einfallen; schöpfen; sich neigen; sich senken; abblenden Scheinwerfer; eintauchen (in; into); tauchen (in; into); tauchen, eintauchen
bank. Geschäftsrückgang
chem. Beize; Brenne
construct. sich neigen (Gelände)
geol. sich neigen (abfallen)
industr., construct. Bad; Eintauchen; Stoff-Auffärben; Stoff-Färben; Untertauchen
life.sc., coal. Einfallen; Fallen
mining. Einfallen haben; einfallende Strecke; Einfallende; schräges Aufhauen; Tonnlage; Gangeinfallen; untere Abbaue (einer Grube)
phys. absenken; durchhängen; einfahren; einschieben
tech. tunken; fallen
dipped [dɪpt] v
gen. getunkt
tech. getaucht
dips v
gen. taucht; tunkt
dipping ['dɪpɪŋ] v
agric. umhuellen
"dip" v
health. "Senke"
to dip [dɪp] v
agric. dippen
dip [dɪp] adj.
agric. pressen (of leather); zerknittern (of leather); zerknüllen (of leather); kneten (of leather); quetschen (of leather)
chem. tauchen
construct. versenken; abteufen; Neigen; Einsenkung (Gelände); Durchhang (Leitungen)
econ. kurzfristiger, unbedeutender Rückgang (z.B. der Geschäftstätigkeit); Schiffahrt Tiefgang; sinken (z.B. Preis); abflauen; zurückgehen (Geschäftstätigkeit)
geol. Fallen (Trennfläche)
life.sc., industr., construct. impregnieren
meas.inst. magnetische Inklination
sail. mit der Flagge grüssen; dippen
"dip" adj.
med. protodiastolischer Ventrikeldruckabfall
 English thesaurus
DIP [dɪp] abbr.
abbr. Decision In Principle; debtor in possession (Alexander Matytsin); Decision Implementation Process (Yeldar Azanbayev); Defense Imagery Program; Dial-up Internet Protocol (Linux)
abbr., auto. dipper
abbr., avia. Departure Incentive Program; data input panel; data interrupt program; defense industrial plant; depression impact point; display initialization procedure; display input processor; dissemination information package; dual in line package
abbr., biol. differentiation-inducing factor
abbr., biotechn. Database of Interacting Proteins (Altuntash)
abbr., Canada Defence Industry Productivity
abbr., chem., scient. Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate
abbr., comp., net. distributed information processing; document and image processing; document image processing; dual-in-line package
abbr., comp., net., IT Dynamic Internet Protocol
abbr., el. dual in-line package; data interchange program; dipole impedance probe; direct insert probe; disk initialization package
abbr., file.ext. Digital Imaging Processing; Dual In-line Pin; Debug info processor (Watcom Debugger)
abbr., health., med. Digital Image Pro
abbr., inf. To leave quickly
abbr., IT Database Initialization Program; Debug info processor; Dialup Internet Protocol; Digimon Intensity Project; Document Image Processing; Dual Inline Package
abbr., law Debtor In Possession; Disciplinary Intervention Program
abbr., med. Database Of Interaction Proteins; distal interphalangeal (joint, joint); distal interphalangeal (дистальный межфаланговый Dimpassy); distal interphalangeal (joint); drip infusion pyelogram (pyelography)
abbr., met. direct-iron process
abbr., mil. Defense Intelligence Plan; Die In Place
abbr., mil., avia. defense industrial policy
abbr., oil dipmeter
abbr., physiol., med. Descending Inhibitory Pathway
abbr., progr. dependency inversion principle (ssn); Dependency Inversion Principle (ssn)
abbr., pulm. desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (Ying)
abbr., pulp.n.paper deinked pulp ('More)
abbr., relig. Discipleship In Progress
abbr., scient. Digital Input Platform
abbr., scottish Design Improvement Process (USA); Digital Image Processing
abbr., tech. dual inline packets
abbr., transp. Driver Improvement Program
energ.ind. decision-in-principle
mil. Defense investigation program; display information processor; doctrine improvement program; document improvement program
tech. data interchange format; defense information procedure; design internal pressure; designated inspection points; digital incremental plotter; direct iron process; dual-in-line pulse
dip [dɪp] abbr.
abbr. diplomat
abbr., oil d
jarg. dipsomaniac
med. diphtheria
polym. dipole
progr. density independent pixels (абстрактные пиксели, не зависящие от плотности экрана bojana)
Dip [dɪp] abbr.
abbr. resistivity dip log
abbr., oil dipentene
modern To leave quickly (Example: "I have to dip, I'll see you later." Franka_LV)
dip. abbr.
abbr. diploma
DIP [dɪp] abbr.
abbr., microel. dual-in-line pack
DIP [dɪp] abbr.
abbr. Department of Immigration and Passports (Управление по вопросам иммиграции и паспортов - из паспорта Бангладеша TheWyld)
abbr., avia. digital inboard profile; diplomacy; Drop Intercept Point (google.com Traducierto.com)
abbr., busin. difference in purls insurance; diploma
abbr., chem. diisopropyl ester
abbr., comp. double in-line package
abbr., dril. dip-log
abbr., earth.sc. differential induction polarization
abbr., el. dual in-line package (Баян)
abbr., fin. debtor-in-possession
abbr., med. desquamative interstitial pneumonia
abbr., oil design improvement program; diisopropyl alkylation process; diplog; dissolved inorganic phosphorus
abbr., radiogr. Drip Infusion Pyelography (Рентгеновское исследование почечных лоханок после капельной инфузии контрастного препарата VasDoc)
abbr., space designated inspection point; diplexer
abbr., tech. deepwater tumbler platform
: 509 phrases in 55 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
American usage, not spelling2
Animal husbandry1
Antennas and waveguides1
British usage, not spelling2
Earth sciences6
Fish farming pisciculture1
Hobbies and pastimes3
Information technology6
International Monetary Fund1
Life sciences16
Materials science6
Measuring instruments18
Mechanic engineering7
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics2
Optics branch of physics4
Physical sciences2
Textile industry1
Радиоактивное излучение3