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depth of field
gen. Schärfentiefenbereich m
comp., MS Feldtiefe f (The measurement of the area in front of and behind the subject that is in focus)
cultur., earth.sc. Fokustiefe f
microsc. Tiefenschärfe f; Schärfentiefe f
opt. Abbildungstiefe f (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Fokusdifferenz f (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Scharfeinstellbereich m (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Schärfentiefe f (the range through which the object plane can be shifted along the axis without significantly deteriorating the imagery in a fixed image plane); Schärfentiefenbereich m (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Tiefe der scharfen Abbildung (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Tiefenausdehnung f; Tiefenbereich m (spatial interval either side of the optimum focus range within which an acceptable focus can still be obtained); Tiefenschärfe f (the range through which the object plane can be shifted along the axis without significantly deteriorating the imagery in a fixed image plane)
polygr. Abbildungstiefe f
 English thesaurus
depth of field
cinema A measure of the range along a camera's line of site in which objects will be in focus. See also aperture, shutter speed.
depth of field
: 27 phrases in 5 subjects
Earth sciences2
Medical appliances2
Optics branch of physics20