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law cust. Zollkodex der Union
IT dat.proc. codierter Zeichenvorrat
IT tech. programmieren; Codeausdruck
pharma. Kodebezeichnungen
stat. Zahlenschlüssel
tech. Code
gen. Chiffren; Codes; Kodes
| and
gen. sowie
| paging
gen. Seitenüberlagerung
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
code [kəud] n
gen. Chiffre f; Code m; Kode m; Vorwahl f; Flaggensignal n; Funksignal n; Signal n
agric. Kodex m; Handschriftensammlung f
automat. Notationssystem m
busin., IT in Schlüsselschrift umsetzen; Verschlüsselungsschrift f
commun. Chiffrierschlüssel m (Schlüssel); Schlüsselzeichen n
comp. Schlüssel m (Verschlüsselungsvorschrift)
construct. Vorschriftenwerk n; Standardwerk n
econ. Statut n; Satzung f; Ordnung f; Gesetzessammlung f
environ. Gesetzbuch n
IT Codierungsschema n; Kodierungssystem n; KN-Code CN; Ehrenkodex m (Kodex)
IT, dat.proc. codierter Zeichenvorrat
IT, tech. Codeausdruck m; Codebegriff m; Codeelement n; Codierungselement n; Zeichenschrift f
pharma. Kodebezeichnungen pl.; verschlüsselter Bauplan
stat. Zahlenschlüssel m
tech. Code Kennwort; Geheimschrift f; Kennzahl f; Kennzeichen n; Kennziffer f; Kürzel n; Kurzzeichen n; Schlüssel m; Verschlüsselung f
telecom. Kennung f
work.fl., IT Codiervorrat m; numerischer Code
to code [kəud] n
IT umcodieren; umschlüsseln; verschlüsseln
IT, tech. programmieren
med. Codierung f; Codieren n
stat. kodieren
Code [kəud] n
health. Welt-Anti-Doping-Kodex f
law, cust. Zollkodex der Union
codes n
gen. Chiffren f; Codes m; Kodes m
transp. Kode m
code in electric power system [kəud] n
el. Kodex in einem Elektrizitätsversorgungssystem
code A systematic collection, compendium or revision of laws, rules, or regulations. A private or official compilation of all permanent laws in force consolidated and classified according to subject matter. Many states have published official codes of all laws in force, including the common law and statutes as judicially interpreted, which have been compiled by code commissions and enacted by the legislatures [kəud] n
environ. Gesetzbuch n
code [kəud] v
chem. kodieren
econ. kodifizieren
meas.inst. verschlüsseln
tech. chiffrieren; codieren
coding ['kəudɪŋ] v
IT Codieren
tech. kodieren
 English thesaurus
code [kəud] n
law law created by statutes; The law created by statutes. For example, the California Code of Civil Procedure, California Civil Code, California Vehicle Code, California Penal Code, and California Health and Safety Code
med. code blue (поскольку code blue - это наиболее часто употребляемый код в больницах alia20)
mil., abbr. cd
CODE [kəud] abbr.
abbr. Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment; COlor Depth Enhancement (ATI); Creation Out Of Deep Energy
abbr., astr., scient. Creation Out of Deep Energy
abbr., astronaut. Cooperative OLYMPUS Data Experiment
abbr., ed. Community Organized Drug Education; Council of Ontario Directors of Education (Ying)
abbr., el. client/server open development environment; computer-based optical diagnostic and evaluation system
abbr., file.ext. Client-Server Open Development Environment
abbr., law Community Oriented Drug Enforcement
abbr., med. Courses Online Dental Ethics
mil. controller decision evaluation; Committee on Donor Enlistment
CODES abbr.
abbr., avia. computing development system
abbr., el. communication detection system; computer-oriented data entry system; hardware and software co-design
Code [kəud] n
law, com.law City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
law, abbr. C.
school Code of Civil Procedure
CODES abbr.
abbr. Computerized On-Site Data Entry System
abbr., ed. Community Organization For Drug Education Services
abbr., file.ext. Computer Design and Education System
abbr., IT Conceptual Design System
abbr., mil. Computerized Deployment System
abbr., post Computerized On-site Data Entry System
abbr., scottish Common Digital Exploitation System
abbr., transp. Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System
mil. computer design and evaluation system
codes and
: 72 phrases in 22 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Information technology2
International Monetary Fund6
International trade1
Labor law2
Nuclear physics1
Social science1