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cathode-ray tube ['kæθəud'reɪtju:b]
chem. Kathodenstrahlrohr n
comp. Elektronenstrahlröhre f
IT, tech. Kathodenstrahlröhre f
meas.inst. exakte Elektronenstrahlröhre; Katodenstrahlrohr n; Braunsches Rohr
med. Braunsche Röhre; Kathodenstrahlenröhre f
phys. Katodenstrahlröhre f
tech. Bildröhre f; Kathodenröhre f
vac.tub. Signal-Bild-Wandlerröhre n
cathode ray tube
el. Bildröhre f; Braunsche Röhre
microel. Katodenstrahlröhre f
tech. Kathodenstrahlröhre f
cathode ray tube CRT
gen. Kathodenstrahlröhre f; Braunsche Röhre
cathode ray tubes CRT
gen. Kathodenstrahlröhren f
 English thesaurus
cathode-ray tube ['kæθəud'reɪtju:b]
abbr., met. c.r.t.
cathode ray tube
IT A vacuum tube that displays data by means of an electron beam striking the screen, which is coated with suitable phosphor material or a device similar to a television screen on which data can be displayed
Cathode Ray Tube
abbr., scottish CRT
IT, abbr. CRT (also generic reference to a terminal)
mil., abbr. CRT (Terminal)
cathode-ray tube
: 55 phrases in 16 subjects
Antennas and waveguides5
Automated equipment1
Information technology7
Measuring instruments1
Medical appliances2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics4
Радиоактивное излучение1