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carbon copies
gen. Durchschriften f; Durchschläge
carbon copy ['kɑ:bən'kɔpɪ]
gen. Durchschrift f
busin. Kopie f
comp., MS Cc m (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
tech. Durchschlag m
carbon copy cc ['kɑ:bən'kɔpɪ]
gen. Durchschlag m; Kopie f
carbon-copy ['kɑ:bən'kɔpɪ]
patents. Durchschlag m
 English thesaurus
carbon copies
abbr., EBRD cc
carbon copy ['kɑ:bən'kɔpɪ]
abbr. cc
carbon copies
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects