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antenn. Teller
chem. Base
meas.inst. Basis; Fassung; Gestell; Grundplatte; Grundplatte; Teller
nucl.phys. радиоакт. Filmunterlage
| emitter
gen. Emitter
| self-aligned
microel. selbstjustiert
| technology
gen. Verfahren
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
base [beɪs] n
gen. begründen Anspruch, Behauptung; entwürdigend; selbstsüchtig; Grundmorphem; Boden m (von Gefäß); Grund m; Grundzahl f; Sockel m; Stützpunkt m; feige; Grund- m; Notationsalphabet n (of notation); Kasernierung f; Unterbringung f; Basis-, f; chem. Verbindung, die von anderen Stoffen Protonen über
agric. Begründung f; Anlaß m; Lagerhaus n; Lagerraum m; Lagerplatz f
agric., mech.eng. Pflugkörper m
antenn. Teller m
archit. Säulenfuß m
astr. Basis f
brit. Etappe f
busin. Grundlage f
chem. Base f (Substance which dissolves in water with formation of hydroxyl ions, and reacts with an acid to produce a salt, without the evolution of a gas); Ergol-Bodensatz n; Basisflansch m; Beimengung f; Grundstoff m (Solid ingredient, usually a metallic oxide, in a coating preparation)
comp. Träger f; Zahlenbasis f (number); Grundzahl f (number); Grundbasis f (number); Radix f (number); Basis f (Zahlensystem, Transistorelektrode); Basis- f; fundamental; grundsätzlich
comp., MS Basis f (A mathematical object that is the basis for a derivation, system, or formulation)
construct. Gründung f (Gebäude); Lagerung f; Fußplatte f; Gründungsplatte f; Plattenfundament n; Baugrund m; Postament n; Piedestal m; Aufstandsfläche f; Sohlplatte f (Schacht); Grundschicht f; Unterlage f (Straße); Haftgrund m (Farbanstrich)
construct., amer. Fußleiste f; Scheuerleiste f
dialys. Puffer m
earth.sc. Dichte der Unterlage
econ. Ausgangspunkt m; sich gründen (on, upon auf); eine Grundlage darstellen für; eine Basis darstellen für; falsch (z.B. Münzen); minderwertig; geringwertig
el. Grundmetall n; Rohrenfuß; Basiszone f; Basisanschluss m; Basiselektrode f; Basis,Sockel von Elektronenröhren
emerg.care Base f
environ. Basen f
environ., tech. Schwingplattform f; Schwingtisch m
geol. Liegendes; Grundmasse f (Gestein); Bohrbühne f; Bohrgerüst n
gymn. Fussgestell n
industr., construct. Säulen Sockel
IT, tech. Basis der Zahlendarstellung
law, ADR falsch; unecht
math. Bezugswert n; Grundwert m
meas.inst. Basis f (transistor); Fassung f (fuse); Gestell n; Grundplatte f; Teller m (valve)
mech.eng. Felgenbett n; Fundamentplatte f; Fussplatte f; Grundplatte f
med. basal; Tischplattenrahmen m; Gaumenplatte eines künstlichen Gebisses (of an artificial denture); Unterfläche f; Grundstoff m
met. Schienenfuss m
microel. Basis f (Transistor); Sockel m (von Röhren)
mine.surv. Stundenpunkt m; Grundpreis m (für Bohrarbeiten im Kontrakt)
nucl.phys. Boden m; Unterlage f; Fuss m
nucl.phys., радиоакт. Filmunterlage f; Impulsfuß m (of a pulse)
paleont. Basis der letzten Windung
patents. begründen (basieren)
phys. Basis f (e.g. of the logarithm); Unterlage f (e.g. of the film); Träger m (e.g. of the film)
polygr. Hintergrundfarbe f
scient. Grundlinie f
scient., life.sc. Basis einer geometrischen Figur
tech. basieren; gründen; stützen; niedrig; unedel; verächtlich; Bettung f; Bezugsgröße f (value); Block m; Fundament n; Fuß m; Fußpunkt m; Grundfläche f; Sohle f; Standfläche f; Trägermaterial n; Tragschicht f; unten; Unterbau m; Untergestell n; Untergrund m; Untersatz m; Unterteil m; Basis Grundplatte; erbärmlich; gemein; niederträchtig
telecom. Halterung f (fuse); Bügel m (fuse)
textile Rücken m (Teppich); Lauge
transp. Gehäuseunterteil m
weap. Geschossboden m; Hülsenboden m; Visierfuß m
zoot. Beinstellung f
радиоакт. Schichtträger m; Emulsionsträger n; Filmträger m; Impulsbasis f (of a pulse); Fuß m (of a pulse); Basis f (of a pulse)
baseball base [beɪs] n
gen. Mal n; Base f
bed base [beɪs] n
gen. Bettrost m
base Any chemical species, ionic or molecular, capable of accepting or receiving a proton (hydrogen ion) from another substance; the other substance acts as an acid in giving of the proton; the other ion is a base; chemical [beɪs] n
environ. Basen f (chemisch)
BaSe [beɪs] n
industr., construct., chem. Bariumselenid m
base of pyramid, mountain, lamp, microscope [beɪs] n
gen. Fuß m
base leg [beɪs] n
gen. Queranflug m
base Fo [beɪs] n
industr., construct., chem. Unterkasten des Ziehmaschinenschachtes Fo
base of notation [beɪs] n
math. Notationsalphabet n
mounting base [beɪs] n
meas.inst. Grundplatte f
base [beɪs] n
commun. Gerätepark m (HW); Park m (equipment)
opt. Auflagefläche f; Aufnahmebasis f; Basis f (line); Lampensockel m; Substrat n; Unterlage f (plate)
film base [beɪs] n
opt. Schichtträger m
base [beɪs] v
construct. gründen (auf)
 English thesaurus
base [beɪs] n
avia., Canada A flight path extending from the end of the downwind leg to the extended centreline of the approach end of the landing runway (or landing path)
mil., logist. Modular logistic installation, of a level superior to that of the regiment, including functional zones capable of supplying a logistic support in its various domains of responsibility. It is organized and is commanded by an unique authority the orders of the commander of the force of the considered level of which it takes then naming: joint theatre logistic base, land logistic base, divisional logistic base, brigade logistic base. (FRA); Strip of terrain, organized or not, from which the departure of the attack echelon of a formation takes place. (FRA)
USA A locality from which operations are projected or supported. see also facility; An area or locality containing installations which provide logistic or other support. see also facility; Home airfield or home carrier (JP 4-0) see also facility
base [beɪs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. basaltic series
abbr., oil basement granite
BASE [beɪs] abbr.
abbr. Business Attraction Support Establishment; Building Antennae Spans Earth
abbr., avia. cloud base
abbr., ed., scient. Bangalore Academy of Science and Education
abbr., el., scient. Bedini Audio Special Environment; Boston Area Semiconductor Education; Buildings Antennas Spans And Earth
abbr., energ.ind. Building Assessment, Survey and Evaluation Study (Millie)
abbr., med. B27-arthritis-sacroiliitis-extra-articular Features (syndrome)
abbr., mil. Brigade Automated Simulation Exercise; Building Antenna Span And Earth
abbr., mil., avia. basic army strategic estimates
abbr., monk. Building Antenna Spans Earth
abbr., scottish British Aerospace Systems & Equipment
abbr., skydive. building, antenna, span, earth (BASE is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span, and earth (or cliff) Val_Ships)
abbr., sol.pow. beta-alumica solid electrolyte (AllaR); beta-alumina solid electrolyte (AllaR)
abbr., st.exch. Bank- Americard Service Exchange
abbr., tradem. Bay Area Studio Engineering
meteorol. base of cloud
mil. basic Army strategic estimate
base-emitter: 42 phrases in 5 subjects
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