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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
alert [ə'lɜ:t] n
gen. Alarm m; Alarmruf m; Warnton m; Warnung f; Alarmbereitschaft f; Alarmsignal n; in Gefechtsbereitschaft versetzen; warnen vor (to)
commun. Alarmanzeige f; sich melden (terminal); Rufmeldung f (DTE)
comp. Alarmsignal n (signal); Alarm m (signal); Alarm-Meldesignal m (signal); Warnsignal n (signal); Hinweiston n (signal)
comp., MS Benachrichtigung f (A feature that notifies a user when there is a change to posted content, workflow status, or when other user-defined criteria are met); Warnung f (An audible or visual warning signal, generated by a computer, indicating that a threshold has been or is about to be breached)
emerg.care Alarm m; wach
law, IT Ausschreibung f
tech. Warnsignal n; Warnhinweis m
alerts n
gen. Alarmbereitschaften f; Alarmsignale n
commun. Warnungen f
alert [ə'lɜ:t] v
gen. alarmieren (to); alarmieren; bewusst machen
commun. anreizen
comp., MS benachrichtigen (To notify by means of an alert that a particular event has occurred)
emerg.care alarmieren
inf. ausgeschlafen
tech. alamieren; signalisieren
alerted v
gen. warnte; gewarnt
alerting [ə'lɜ:tɪŋ] v
commun. Alerting-Nachricht
alert [ə'lɜ:t] adj.
gen. wachsam; wach; aufgeweckt; hell; lebhaft; aufmerksam; Alert; rege
busin. flink
med. alert
tech. geistesgegenwärtig; munter; scharf
 English thesaurus
alert [ə'lɜ:t] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang wired (I am really wired after drinking five cups of coffee)
mil., logist. State of readiness for a specific action. 2. A warning signal of a real or dreaded danger, such as an air attack. (FRA)
ALERT [ə'lɜ:t] abbr.
abbr. Accelerated Licensure Evaluation And Review Techniques; Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater (AF)
abbr., avia. automatic logging electric reporting and telemetry
abbr., ed. Actual Learning Environment Response Training; Assisted Learning Environment Response Team; Augmented Learning Environment For Renewable Teaching
abbr., el. attack and launch early reporting to theater; automated linguistic extraction and retrieval technique; automatic logical equipment readiness tester
abbr., med. Advanced Local Emergency Response Team; Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantion (ssn); Africa Leprosy and Rehabilitation Training Centre
abbr., mil. Air Land Emergency Rescue Team; Attack Launch Early Reporting to Theater; Advanced Law Enforcement and Response Technology; Air/Land Enhanced Reconnaissance and Targeting; attack and launch early reporting to theater
abbr., mil., avia. air-land enhanced reconnaissance and targeting
abbr., traf. Advice and problem Location for European Road Traffic (AlexanderGerasimov)
ALERT [ə'lɜ:t] abbr.
abbr., oil automated local evaluation in real time
abbr., space automatic logging electronic reporting and telemetering
alert signal
: 186 phrases in 33 subjects
Automated equipment2
Criminal law2
Emergency medical care1
Foreign trade2
Health care6
Immigration and citizenship10
Information technology7
Materials science1
Measuring instruments2
Medical appliances1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Work flow4