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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
ail [eɪl] n
gen. kränklich sein
ails v
gen. kränkelt; schmerzt
ail [eɪl] v
gen. kränkeln; plagen; Schmerzen haben; schmerzen; unpässlich sein; weh tun
ailed v
gen. schmerzte; gekränkelt
 English thesaurus
AIL [eɪl] abbr.
abbr. aileron; Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Associate of the Institute of Linguists
abbr., avia. Airbus Information Letter (Interex); aeronautical instruments laboratory; airborne instrument laboratory; aviation integration laboratory
abbr., BrE air intelligence liaison
abbr., chem., scient. Application Interface Language
abbr., el. absolute interferometric laser; achromatic interferometric lithography; audio input level; audio interface library; avalanche injection laser
abbr., law Artificial Intelligence And Law
abbr., media. Alcohol Induced Literature
abbr., mil. Action Item List
abbr., mil., avia. advanced information leaflet
abbr., scottish Advanced Information Leaflets; Airborne Instruments Laboratory; Avionics Integration Laboratory
abbr., textile American Institute of Laundering
abbr., tradem. Airborne Instrument Laboratories
mil. advanced information letter; aviation instrument laboratory
tech. argon ion laser
ail. abbr.
abbr., avia. aileron
AILS abbr.
abbr. Automatic Instrument Landing System
abbr., el. airborne infrared life scanner
abbr., scottish Advanced Integrated Landing System
abbr., space advanced impact location system; advanced instrument landing system; advanced integrated Ian ding system
abbr., tech. automatic instrument landing system
tech. airborne infrared live scanner
ails: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Social science2