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gen. etwa; gegen; um; über; etwa; rund
| around
gen. herum
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
about [ə'baut] prep.
gen. etwa; gegen; um; über; rund (circa); ungefähr; zirka (circa); darüber; ungefähr; gut ugs. : ungefähr
comp., MS Info (A Settings screen containing information relating to the phone, such as phone manufacturer, available storage, OS version, etc)
forestr. cirka
tech. ziemlich; zirka; zu; über (a subject); circa; rund; annähernd
to about prep.
met. sich beruehren; aneinanderstossen
about ca prep.
gen. etwa (ca.); circa
About [ə'baut] prep.
comp., MS Info (An item on the Help menu that opens the About dialog box, which includes the copyright, licensing, and license terms for the product)
 English thesaurus
about [ə'baut] abbr.
abbr. c. (Vosoni)
abbr., oil a
abbr., polym. abt
tech., abbr. ca
about, around: 3 phrases in 2 subjects