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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
W ['dʌb(ə)lju:] abbr.
abbr. west; watt; wink
w. abbr.
abbr. weight
 English thesaurus
W ['dʌb(ə)lju:] abbr.
abbr., auto. wagon; winter mode
abbr., genet. writhing number
abbr., germ., auto. Wegfahrsperre
w. abbr.
abbr., econ. wanted
W. abbr.
abbr., textile waist
W ['dʌb(ə)lju:] abbr.
abbr. Wallace; Wednesday; Weight; Width; Wilson; Working; A W prefix to any ship type designates it as subordinated to a quasi-military force; energy consumed by heat pump plant; Wag; warm; Warmonger; Warrior; Washington; water; wattmeter; weapon delivery; Weasel; Webcast; week; Weenie; Welfare; West; Westerly; Western; Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Whaszup; Whipped; white; Whitehouse; Whore; Wicked; Wilsonian; Wimp; wind; wind velocity; wink; Witch; Withdrew; Woody; work; Workfare; Workhorse; World Patent Index; Wrongful; Wrongheaded; component of velocity along Z-axis; component of weight; weather instrument flight; welded
abbr., agric. wool; Wyandotte
abbr., automat. workpiece
abbr., avia. west; western longitude; wardrobe; waves; we; winglet; wiper
abbr., avia., med. work output
abbr., biol. triptophane
abbr., BrE wireless
abbr., busin. total weight; warehousing; weekly; weft; weight ton; weighted
abbr., cables weber
abbr., cartogr. Wales; warning area; well; wood
abbr., chem. wolfram
abbr., chem., scient. Which
abbr., cinema wide-angle shot (Common_Ground); wide shot (Common_Ground)
abbr., commer. water compartment; winter load line
abbr., construct. total load; wicket
abbr., earth.sc. specific weight; wadi; wady; wairakite; wave length; wehrlite; Whitworth screw thread; wittichenite; wolframium; wollastonite; wrigglite; wring; würm glaciation; wüstite
abbr., ed. Words; Write; Wrong
abbr., el. wait; wave; watts (july000)
abbr., el., scient. Www
abbr., electr.eng. wattage
abbr., file.ext. Word chart file (APPLAUSE)
abbr., food.ind. Warm
abbr., inet. Whatever
abbr., insur. Displacement weight; Winter freeboard mark
abbr., mech.eng. Whitworth thread
abbr., med. tungsten; waveform; Weber test; whorl; widow/widower; work of breathing; Workshop
abbr., med., conv.notation. energy (joule)
abbr., meteorol. weld
abbr., mil. War; Warning; Weapons; sweep width
abbr., mil., WMD tungsten (corrosive-resistant, metallic element); ricin
abbr., nautic. Winter Seawater (зимняя морская вода (отметка на борте судна) Yuriy83); west (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Water
abbr., nucl.phys. radiant energy
abbr., O&G, sakh. Watt (s)
abbr., oil washings; wavelength; weak; weathered; web; websterite; welded; western; wheel; wideness; wildcat; Won; wooden; wrap; /total/ weight; electrical resistance; initial water in place; power; wackestone; water or moisture content; weight on bit (axial load); with (andrushin)
abbr., opt. watt
abbr., physiol. Withdrawal
abbr., physiol., med. Well; Woman
abbr., pigeon.race. White
abbr., polit. Worldwide
abbr., polym. weight
abbr., refrig. wet
abbr., relig. Word
abbr., scottish Time zone 142.5 W-157.5 W (GMT +10); Tungsten; watt (power); Whiskey (phonetic alphabet)
abbr., sport. Wide; Win; Winner; Winning; Wisconsin; walks; wild throw; win (game); wins
abbr., tech. vatios; ohm
abbr., typogr. washable binding
energ.ind., abbr. energy consumed by heat pump plant; wattmeter
meteorol., abbr. weather; week; weight; white; wind; wind velocity; wing; wire; work; warning
mil. war; warehouse; warhead; warning; warrant; weapon; weather; width; wing; wire; wounded
tech. electric energy; energy; flux density; free moisture content; mixing ratio; very wide; warning frequency; waveguide; window; wireless telegraphy; without voice facilities on range frequency; writing
therm.eng., abbr. warm; water; wet
w ['dʌb(ə)lju:] abbr.
abbr. work per unit mass; electric resistance; wall; warm; week; white; wife; wine; winter; wolfram (tungsten Vosoni); work (Vosoni); worker (Vosoni); wrong
abbr., busin. gross weight; waster
abbr., construct. load per foot run; weight per cubic foot
abbr., earth.sc. weathered
abbr., med. watt
abbr., mil. search subarea width
abbr., oil wetted
abbr., phys. work function
agric. wanting; wound
biol. waste; water
cartogr. wide; wooden
meteorol. windy (weather Val_Ships)
O&G mass flow rate; welding; well conditions
w. abbr.
abbr. wall; warm; weld; welded; Wiens' displacement constant; wind; wind velocity; winter; with; wood; Wooden; word; wrong
abbr., bus.styl. daily wages
abbr., earth.sc. water; weather; week; weight
abbr., libr. wanting; water stained; weekly
abbr., met. wire
mining. water line
polym. watt; width
W. abbr.
abbr. warden (Vosoni); Welsh; Wien; William; war; white; wide
abbr., avia. wing
abbr., earth.sc. Washington; west; work
abbr., econ. warehouse
abbr., lat. Venerables
abbr., libr. washable
abbr., mech.eng. wring
abbr., textile wool
μW abbr.
abbr. microwatt
abbr., earth.sc. microwave
αW abbr.
abbr., el. absorption coefficient-neutral region width product
W/m•K abbr.
abbr., med. watt per meter-kelvin
w% abbr.
abbr. weight percent
w/ abbr.
abbr., IT with
W+ abbr.
abbr., med. weakly positive
σw abbr.
abbr., met. endurance limit
: 164 phrases in 36 subjects
Earth sciences3
High energy physics11
Hobbies and pastimes1
Mechanic engineering2
Medical appliances1
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics2
Optics branch of physics1
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Power lines1
Vacuum tubes1
Радиоактивное излучение10