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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
top [tɔp] n
gen. Kammgarne pl.
agric. Oberschale f; Baumgipfel m; Baumspitze f; Gipfelstück n; Köpfen m
archaeol. Kreisel m (Spielzeug)
industr., construct. Chemiespinnband n; Kammzug m
med. Zacke f
nat.sc., agric. Wipfelschaft m
polygr. oberes Ende; übertreffen
transp., construct. Deichkante f; Dammkante f
tops [tɔps] n
gen. Oberbank f
industr., construct. Kammzug m; Spinnband n
top [tɔp] v
agric., industr. Mundende
construct. überdecken; überstreichen (Anstrich); bedecken; abdecken
dril. die Oberkante antreffen (einer Struktur)
mining. anhäufen (Kohle auf dem Förderwagen)
tech. überschneiden (Zahnkopf makhno)
topping ['tɔpɪŋ] v
agric. Abkappen; Lichten
agric., industr. Entgipfeln; Köpfen
food.ind. Auffüllen
oil Toppen
topping California ['tɔpɪŋ] v
agric. Auffüllen
top [tɔp] adj.
agric. Kronenspitze
chem. Scheitel; Spitze; Gipfel; Kappe; Kopf; Krone; Kuppe
construct. Wipfel
econ. Höchst-; Spitzen-
top [tɔp] abbr.
gen. Anfang; Kopfende; Kraut (das Grüne); Kreisel; Oberteil; toll; maximal erreichen; übersteigen; Baumwipfel; Spielkreisel; oben liegen; Top; Triesel Kreisel, landsch.; beschneiden Baumstutzen; den Gipfel erreichen; krönen
agric. Haube; Endstück; Aufsatz; Stutzen; Feder (of onion); Fieder (of onion); Fiederblatt (of onion); Zopf; Scheitelpunkt
brit. hinrichten
chem. Faserbänder
comp. Obenansicht; Hut (^); Dach (^); Fehlzeichen (^)
construct. Oberseite
econ. höchster Punkt; Oberfläche; obere Seite (eines Gegenstandes); obere Fläche (eines Gegenstandes); Spitzenposition; hohe Stellung (in der Gesellschaft); an der Spitze stehen; die erste Stelle einnehmen; überschreiten; hinausgehen; steigen über (Preise usw); oberster, -e, -es; größter, -e, -es; höchster, -e, -es; erstklassig; ausgezeichnet; oben (Aufschrift auf Verpackungen)
emerg.care Spitze
forestr. zopfen
law, ADR oben (Aufschrift auf Kisten etc.); oberst; höchst
microel. oberer Bereich
mining. Hangendes; Firste; Rasensohle
pack. oben; Oberboden; Oberteil (einer Schachtel); Deckel (end)
tech. Halsrohr (of furnace); Hals (of furnace); trichterförmige Öffnung (of furnace); Dach; Deckel; hoch; Höhepunkt; Kopfstück; Maximum; ober; Oberkante; Verdeck; überschneiden (makhno)
textile Wollkammzug
weap. Ober-
радиоакт. Impulsdach (of a square wave pulse); Dach (of a square wave pulse, eines Rechteckimpulses)
to top [tɔp] abbr.
agric. abgipfeln; köpfen; abwipfeln
top surface [tɔp] abbr.
gen. Oberfläche
top- abbr.
nucl.phys. Spitze
 English thesaurus
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. topographical
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. Tennessee Outreach Project; The Outreach Program; Top Of The Pile; Trade Opportunities Program; Training Opportunities And Practice; take or pay; Teams Optimise Processes; technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; The OS-9 Project (OS-9); total obscuring power; Topical
abbr., automat. technical office protocol
abbr., avia. Topeka, Kansas USA; cloud top; tour operators' package
abbr., commun. Task Oriented Form (SMA/SMC)
abbr., ed., scient. Technology Opportunities Program; Top One Percent
abbr., el., scient. Technical and Office Protocol; Thermal Overheat Protection
abbr., fin. Tonga Pa'anga
abbr., IT Technical Office Protocol; Tool Object Product
abbr., law Tourist Oriented Police; Treasury Offset Program (Yanamahan)
abbr., med. Theory Of Practice; Termination Of Pregnancy (harser); Tysabri Observational Program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. take-over point
abbr., mil. Tactical Offensive Position; Technical and Office Protocols; Tour of Duty; Taking Outbound Pilot (Interex)
abbr., nautic., scient. The Ocean Project
abbr., O&G Top of Packer (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. turn-over package
abbr., phys., scient. Time Optimized Process
abbr., physiol., med. Topically
abbr., polym. trioctyl phosphate
abbr., scient. Thermal Obviation Protection
abbr., sport. The Olympic Partner
tech. testing on pump; thermal overload protection; transient overpower; transistor-outline package; turning oil pump
top. abbr.
abbr., med. topically
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. torque oil pressure
abbr., libr. topography
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. turn over, please
abbr., anim.husb. total organic phosphorus
abbr., auto. trap oxidizer-periodic; turnover, please
abbr., avia. tactical operating procedure; takeoff position; takeoff power; tool order preparation; two-axis optical pickoff
abbr., busin. Technical Development Plan
abbr., commun. table of pages
abbr., el. tape operated printer; thin outline package; transistor outline package
abbr., fr., space tube a ondes progressives
abbr., libr. temporarily out of print; temporarily out print
abbr., med. tenderness on palpation (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., mil., avia. top
abbr., nucl.pow. unprotected transient overpower scenario (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil technical data package; toluene disproportionation; torque and drag program; technical/office protocol
abbr., plast. tris 2-ethylhexyl phosphate
abbr., space take-off power; telemetry operation procedure
abbr., sport. Olympic Partners (Millie)
energ.ind., abbr. take or pay (бери или плати)
mil., abbr. technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; total obscuring power; Tour of Duty
physiol., abbr. Topically
top. abbr.
abbr. topography
O&G topographic
Top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr., oil output time
Top of
: 214 phrases in 45 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1
Earth sciences1
Food industry1
Foreign trade1
Gear train3
Information technology4
Life sciences4
Materials science3
Mechanic engineering5
Mineral products2
Municipal planning1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences1
Optics branch of physics6