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pharma. engl. TC
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TC abbr.
pharma., engl. TC
 English thesaurus
TC abbr.
abbr. Tax Credit; Technical Committee; Total Cost; Total Costs; Traverse City; Twin Cities; terra cotta; Tab Crawler; Table Caption; Tactical Computer; Tamara Cole; Tank Company; Tank Corps; tape core; Target Concept; Tariff Class; Task Committee (IFIP); tax code (часто в счетах - код НДС 4uzhoj); Teachers College; Tech Center; Technical Component; Techno- Components; Technology Consultant; Teen Christians; Teens Conference; Teeth And Claws; Telemeter Channel; Telephone Call; Telescoping Collar; Temperature Compensated; temperature compensating; Tennis Coach; Tercel Coupe; Terminal Computer; Terminal Control; Terminal Control Areas; Terminating Channel; Terra Crusher; Terrestrial Class; Terror Cat; Tesla Coil; Test Comprehensiveness; Test Consequence; Test Curve; Text Compression; Textual Criticism; Thailand Capital Fund, Inc.; The Times Courier; Theatre Company; Thecal Cell; Theoretical Chemistry; Therapeutic Community; Thermal Control; Thin Client; thread cutting; Threshold Circuit; Tickle Club; Tiger Cat; Time Check; Time Conflict; timed closing; Timely Cycle; Timothy Club; Tin Can; Tiny Chris; Tiny Cock; Tire Chalked; Title Card; Toilet Car; toilet case; Tom Clark; Tom Cruise; Tomorrow's Child; Too Cheap; Too Chubby; Too Cool; Too Cute; Too Cynical; Top Cap; Top Celeb; top chord; Top Cop; Topic Centric; Total Clown; Total Confusion; Total Control; Total Conversion; Totally Clueless; Totally Crunchy; Tough Cat; Tough Cookie; Touring Car; Touring Coupe; Trade Classification; Tramway Company; Trans Canada; Transaction Capabilities; Transaction Computer; Transaction Controller; Transcend Christ; Transcribing Complex; Transform Coding; Transit Corridor (Air lanes established for transit in the rear area of the battle theater; NATO); Transition Component; Transitive Closure; Transmitted Signal Element Timing (DCE Source, EIA-232); Transmitting Circuits; Transport Connection; Transport Convergence; Transport Cradles; Transportation Centre; Transportation Coordinator; Transportation Corps; Treatment Coefficient; Trenton Catholic; Tribal Council; Trilateral Commission; Tropical Chicken; Truck Camper; Truck Crane; True Christians; True Complement; Tubby Cat; Tuff Cat; Tuna Casserole; Tunnel Coordinates; Turbo Compound; Twin Cam; Twin Carburettor; Two Clusters; Two Cycle; Type Code; telephone contact (ННатальЯ); Telecomputing Corp.; telephone central (office); top contact; transparent conductive; typed copy; technic characteristic; technic control; trigger counter
abbr., auto. traction control (ВВладимир); turbocharger; test cycle; toll collection; torque converter; trouble code; turbocharged coupe; turbo charger; twin cam/twin camshaft
abbr., automat. teflon composite; Treatment for all Climates (Miyer)
abbr., avia. tariff conference; Test cell (Zealot2002); true course; top centricity; translating cowl; type certification; twin coordinator; high-pressure turbine case pressure; takeoff charts; target completion date; technical certificate; telecommunication committee; terminal circuit; terminal crib; test condition; test connector; test coordination; three communications; time coordinate; time cost; time cycle; tool classification; tooling change; tooling coefficient; tooling coordination; top of climb; turbine case
abbr., bank. Transaction Certificate (Ying)
abbr., baseb. total chances
abbr., biol. total capacity
abbr., BrE Transport Command; troop
abbr., build.mat. tungsten carbide (n.lysenko)
abbr., bus.styl. Trusteeship Council (of the UN)
abbr., busin. chief of transportation; target countries; tariff ceiling; tariff circular; Technical College; temporary clerk; telegram code; Telegraphic Collation; time cheque; tour conductor; tracer; Trade Corporation; traveler's cheque; Traveler's Credit
abbr., cables TC connector (MichaelBurov); telecom connector (MichaelBurov); telecom room (MichaelBurov); telecommunication closet (MichaelBurov); telecommunication connector (MichaelBurov); telecommunications closet (MichaelBurov); telecommunications connector (MichaelBurov); telecommunications room (MichaelBurov); wiring closet (MichaelBurov); telecom closet (MichaelBurov); TC (MichaelBurov); telecomunications closet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Technetium
abbr., commer. Type Classification (Army)
abbr., commun. transmit clock; transmission on demand; terminal; Ticket Center; Track Circuit; takeover priority; takeover circuit; telecommunication equipment; telecontrol; transmission speed
abbr., comp., net. trusted computing (Artjaazz)
abbr., dril. T-connection; top center
abbr., earth.sc. tangential canal; targeted chlorination; test centre; theoretical components; threshold concentration; time of concentration; topographic command; track-crystallites; Trade Committee; trade convergence; transfer coefficient; transformation curve; transit circle; Tsunami Committee
abbr., EBRD technical cooperation (raf)
abbr., econ. code telegram; Trusteeship Council ON; thrift class
abbr., el. thermocompression (bonding); transmission control (ler); case temperature; tank circuit; tape cable; telecine; telecommunication channel; Telecommunications Committee; teleconference; telemetry and control; telephone center; 、 teleport communications; telex computer service; temperature controller; temperature cycle (testing); terminal concentrator; terminal controller; terminal counter; ternary compound; terrestrial channel; tester controller; thermoelectric controller; tight coupling; time clock; time compression; time to computation; timing control; tool controller; topic commenter; total current; transaction capability; transaction code; transceiver; transit call; transit center; transmission coefficient; transmission convergence sublayer; transparent conducting; trapping center; trellis coding; trim coil; trip cell; trunk card; trunk channel; trunk circuit; trunk control; tuning circuit
abbr., el., scient. Time Constant
abbr., electr.eng. temperature compensation; test chamber; test conductor; thermocurrent; tinned copper; transient conditions; trip coil
abbr., electric. tripping coil; touch current (igisheva)
abbr., energ.ind. top centre
abbr., file.ext. Tape Command; Termcap; Turbo C Configuration file
abbr., fin. technical consultations
abbr., gymn. Technical Commission
abbr., inet. Thread Count
abbr., inf. track commander; training chest
abbr., insur. Transcontainer
abbr., IT Take Care; Traffic Control; teracycle; time of computation; transfer complete; transfer control; transmission controller; transmission convergence
abbr., lab.eq. Total Calcium; to contain (A TC vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured content of the operation, and it may require forced air to expel the final quantity. A TD vessel is designed to deliver the entire measured amount via gravity flow. Wakeful dormouse); Target Concentration; Technology Centre; throat culture; Tissue Contraction; total cholesterol; Toxicity Characteristic
abbr., law Tax Court
abbr., logist. treatment charge (авиапоставка Yuriy83)
abbr., Makarov. terminal controller; terminate counting; thermal conductivity; time code
abbr., mech.eng. triple expansion
abbr., med. Cytotoxic T Cell, Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte; Target Cell; Teratocarcinoma; Terminal Cancer; Testicular Cancer; The Generation Time Of A Cell Cycle; Theca Cell; Tobacco Control (periodical); Typhus Commission; total correction; tumor cell
abbr., mil. Test Case; tactical coordinator; technical control; till countermanded (Interex); tidal current; transmit clock and/or telemetry combiner; training circular; team commander
abbr., mil., air.def. task code; timed channel; transfer center
abbr., mil., WMD to contain; Ton container; toxicity characteristic; type classification
abbr., mol.biol. tropocollagen (Игорь_2006)
abbr., multimed. traffic controller
abbr., nautic. Time Charter - Owners agree to hire a particular ship for a set length of time and provide technical management, crewing etc.
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Temperature controller; temperature controller
abbr., O&G, sakh. toxic chemical
abbr., oil time charter; tool closed; top choke; tubing choke (andrushin); crystallization temperature; T circuit; T connection; table of contents; talc; tanker conversion; technical characteristic; telegraphic correction; tera cycle; Tertiary continental; testing and control; thermal cracking; tidal channel; tipping center; top coupling; total count; trace control; trace coverage for waveform/VDL (variable density log); transient cavity; transmission check; traveller's cheque; traveling cylinder; trimming coil; tubing cutter; type certificate; type curves
abbr., oncol. Thyroid Cancer
abbr., org.name. Technical Cooperation Department
abbr., phys., scient. Temperature Control; Thermal Conductivity
abbr., physiol. TarsoCrural; Temporal Cortex; Thoracic Circumference; Throat Culture; Tongue Closure; Transverse Colon
abbr., physiol., med. Tissue Culture; Total Cholesterol
abbr., polit. Turks and Caicos Islands; United Arab Emirates
abbr., polym. technically classified; temperature coefficient; thermocouple; time closing; total carbon
abbr., relig. The Calling; The Chosen; The Crossover
abbr., scient. Technical Communication
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Turkey); Tactical Controller; Training Camp / Centre; Training Cargo
abbr., semicond. Curie temperature
abbr., space transfer frame; terrain matching; test complete; thrust chamber
abbr., tech. turbocompressor (MichaelBurov); turbo compressor (MichaelBurov); turbo-compressor (MichaelBurov); thermocouple connector (Andrey250780); Tilting Cylinder (наклонный цилиндр Alexey); tandem connection (iwona); tree cap (MichaelBurov); Technical Cooperation Committee
abbr., telecom. telecommunications closet
abbr., textile Tetron Cotton (Yuriy83); Terylene cotton; 248; 38
abbr., tradem. Transport Canada
Apollo-Soyuz translation control
biochem. Tetracycline
comp. tertiary centre
econ. traveller's check (dimock)
energ.ind. tandem-compound; technological channel; temperature-controlled; thermal column; thyristor-controlled; topping cycle; toxicity characteristics; tramp corporation; transfer canal; transport category; tripper cars; turbine complex; turbine control; turning chamber; two-component
int.transport. traffic conference area (IATA)
invest. traveler's check
meteorol. tropical cyclone
mil. tactical command; tactical control; tank car; tank commander; target chart; target classification; target complex; team chief; technical center; technical characteristics; technical circular; technical committee; technical communications; temporary commission; terminal correction; terrain clearance; terrain correction; test center; test chief; test console; test control; test controller; test coordinator; time constant; topographic center; torpedo control; total cost; traffic control; training cadre; training camp; training center; training company; training cost; transit corridor; transport capacity; transport column; transport company; transport, cargo; transportation chief; travel card; trial counsel; troop carrier; troop commander; truncated cone
NASA Telecommand
O&G service water storage tank
physiol. Throat culture
tech. tracking console; technicolor; telecommunications; telegraph central office; telegraph repeater set; telephone central office; telephone repeater set; temporary correction; test categories; tetracycle; thermal compression; time compensation; timing channel; toll center; tone control; track chambers division; tracking camera; tracking cross; traffic control unit; transceiver code
Tc abbr.
abbr. critical temperature; Committed Rate Measurement Interval (FR); technetium; critical temperature (on the absolute scale); Transport and Communication Commission
abbr., earth.sc. tropical continental air mass
abbr., el. superconducting transition temperature
abbr., energ.ind. tandem compound
abbr., expl. critical absolute temperature
abbr., med. cytotoxic T cell; helper cells
abbr., oil corrected temperature
abbr., space adiabatic flame temperature of rocket; superconducting critical temperature
energ.ind. period in hours referred to compressor
tc abbr.
abbr. temperature controlled; critical temperature (centigrade)
abbr., lab.eq. tissue culture
abbr., med. critical temperature centigrade
O&G contact time
polym. tierce
Tc. abbr.
abbr. tierce; tierces
tc. abbr.
abbr., sport. turf course
tC abbr.
abbr. Centigrade temperature
TC$ abbr.
abbr., O&G, casp. then current dollars (Yeldar Azanbayev)
: 17 phrases in 9 subjects
Nuclear physics2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Risk Management1