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gen. sitzen; er/sie hat/hatte gesessen; ich/er/sie saß; ich/er/sie säße; Platz haben; brüten
met. Pfeilerzerdrückung; Absenkung der Firste
tech. hocken
gen. sitz!
| The
gen. den
| Fuck
rude bumsen
| Down
gen. abwärts
| And
gen. sowie
| Shut The Fuck Up
 Shut the fuck up!
rude Halt die Fresse!
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
sit [sɪt] n
gen. sitzen; er/sie hat/hatte gesessen; ich/er/sie saß; ich/er/sie säße; für eine Anzahl von Personen Platz haben; brüten
tech. hocken
sit! n
gen. sitz!
sit [sɪt] v
econ. Sitzung halten; einen Sitz innehaben; in einem Gremium sitzen; Examen machen; Prüfung machen; passen (z.B. Kleidung)
emerg.care sitzen
law, ADR zur Sitzung zusammentreten
mining. hereinbrechen lassen (einen Stoß nach dem Unterschrämen)
tech. hinsetzen; tagen; thronen
sits v
gen. sitzt
sat [sæt] v
gen. saß
sit [sɪt] abbr.
met. Pfeilerzerdrückung; Absenkung der Firste
 English thesaurus
SIT [sɪt] abbr.
abbr. Seal Initiation Temperature; Sino-Tibetan; School For International Training; special information tone (Yakov); situation; Sino-Tibetan (Other)
abbr., avia. special investigative test; systems integration team; systems integration test; system interface test
abbr., BrE School of Instructional Technology
abbr., chem. spontaneous-ignition temperature
abbr., comp., net. communication and information technology
abbr., ed. Satellite Instructional Television
abbr., ed., scient. School for International Training; Student Intervention Team
abbr., el. silicon intensified target (vidicon); silicon intensifier tube; scanning infrared touch-screen; sensor-based intelligent terminal; shipborne interrogator transponder; silicon-intensifier target tube; software integration test; spectral-iteration technique; stand-alone intelligent terminal; static induction thyristor; stepped impedance transformer; storage inspection test; Swiss Institute of Technology
abbr., el., scient. Static Induction Transistor
abbr., file.ext. Archive format (Macintosh, STUFFIT Vosoni)
abbr., fin. Slovenian Tolar
abbr., genet. sterile insect technique
abbr., inet. Simple Internet Transition
abbr., IT Special Information Tone; System Initialization Table
abbr., karate. system integrated test
abbr., med. specific immunotherapy (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Sensory Integration Training; Slayers In Training; Shape Intersection Technique (source location); special interest target
abbr., mus. Stay In Tune
abbr., O&G, sakh. simulation infra-red thermography
abbr., oil Stuck-Point Indicator (glenfoo)
abbr., opt. silicon intensifier target
abbr., physiol., med. Situational
abbr., polym. self-ignition temperature
abbr., progr., IT System Integration Testing
abbr., scottish Systeme d'Information Terminal. (French Army)
abbr., slang stay in touch (Secretary)
abbr., transp. Storage In Transit
mil. special identification techniques
mil., abbr. simple initial threat; special intelligence team; system integration test; systems interface test
tech. silicon-intensifier target
tech., abbr. Shuttle interface test; Spacelab infrared telescope; safety injection tank; safety injection transmitter; self-induced transparency; shuttle integrated test; silicon-intensifier target vidicon; single intensity technology detector; social implications of technology; software integrated test; spaceborne infrared tracker; spontaneous ignition temperature; static-induction transistor; structural integrity test
tech., mil., avia. Shuttle infrared telescope
sit. abbr.
abbr. sitting room
abbr., dril. situation
.sit n
file.ext. Stuff-It (compressed file name extension, Macintosh)
SiT [sɪt] abbr.
abbr., avia. situation display
.SIT n
IT Stuff-It (Macintosh; compressed file name extension)
SIT [sɪt] abbr.
abbr. Society of Industrial Technology; Society of Instrument Technology
abbr., avia. system integration and test; system integration team
abbr., busin. special interest travel; stopping in transit
abbr., earth.sc. Stevens Institute of Technology
abbr., IT scanner interface trace
abbr., multimed. secure transaction technology
abbr., oil sequential interval timer; steering tool; stuck-point indicator tool; surface test tree
abbr., space satellite interactive terminal; simulation input tape
abbr., UN surrogate inspection team
Sit The: 16 phrases in 4 subjects