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agric. Versorgung; Versicherung
chem. Gewährleistung
econ. Verpfändung; Unterpfand
fin. Valor; Bürge; Titel
IMF. Effekten
proj.manag. Eigentumssicherheit
| mission
gen. Auftrag
| or
gen. beziehungsweise
| measure
gen. Maß
| consisting in
 consist in
gen. bestehen in
| systematically
gen. systematisches
| observing
gen. aufmerksam
| space
comp., MS Space
| land
gen. Boden
| air
gen. Aussehen
| sea
gen. Meer
| surfaces
med. Facies
| and
gen. sowie
| underwater
scub. unterwasser
| areas
gen. Areal
| places
comp., MS Bereich
| people
gen. Völker
| or
gen. beziehungsweise
| objects
gen. Gegenstand
| using
gen. unter Einsatz von
| visual
gen. sichtbar
| acoustic
gen. akustisch
| electronic
gen. elektronisch
| photographic
gen. fotografisch
| or
gen. beziehungsweise
| other
gen. ausgenommen
| means
gen. Mittel
| in order to
 in order to
busin. zwecks
| detect
telecom. auffinden
| any
gen. irgendeiner
| enemy
tech. feindlich
| activity
 α activity
nucl.phys. радиоакт. Alphaaktivität
at a | location
gen. Ortsangabe
| in
row. "ein!"
| a direction
geol. Richtung des tektonischen Transports
| or
gen. beziehungsweise
| area
gen. Areal
| in order to
 in order to
busin. zwecks
| alert
gen. Alarm
| and
gen. sowie
| to collect
 to collect
med. sammeln
| information
gen. Angabe
2 | Mission
gen. Auftrag
| for
gen. während
| the
gen. den
air defense artillery | consisting in
 consist in
gen. bestehen in
| taking part in
 taking part in
gen. mitmachend
| the
gen. den
| detection
chem. Nachweis
| identification
gen. Erkennung
| and
gen. sowie
| information collection
 information collection
construct. Informationsspeicher
| on the air
 on the air
gen. auf Sendung
| activity
 α activity
nucl.phys. радиоакт. Alphaaktivität
| in
row. "ein!"
| a
gen. 1. с.х. Auslese-
| given
gen. eingegeben
| air space
 air space
construct. Luftschicht
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
gen. Versatzstück österr.; Bürgschaft f; Geborgenheit f; Pfand n; Sicherheitspfand n; Sicherung f; Gewissheit f
agric. Kreditpapier n
austrian Versatzstück n
busin., IT Arbeitsplatzsicherheitjob m; Sicherheit f (Schutz vor Gefahren, die von Personen ausgehen)
chem. Sicherheitspersonal n
commun., el. Alarmanlage f
commun., IT Verteidigung f
comp., MS IT-Sicherheit m (Protection of a computer system and its data from harm or loss); Sicherheit f (Protection of a computer system and its data from harm or loss)
econ. Kaution f
fin. Sicherheit f (keine Gefahr); Pfandrecht n; Wertschrift f; Kreditsicherung f; Wertpapier n (SergeyL); Papier n
IT DV-Sicherheit; IT-Sicherheit m
law Deckung f; Sicherheitsleistung f
market. hinterlegte Sicherheit; Garantiesumme f; Hinterlegung f
tech. Absicherung f; Gewähr f; Werkschutz m; Sicherheit f (personalprotection)
transp., avia. Schutz m
securities n
econ. Wertpapier n
fin. Wertschriftenertrag m; Ertrag der Wertschriften
fin., account. börsenfähiges Wertpapier
market., fin. Wertschriftenportefeuille n
security of an electric power system [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
el. dynamische Versorgungssicherheit eines Elektrizitätsversorgungssystems
Securities n
fin. Wertschriften n
security bank. [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
gen. Wertschrift f
Security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] n
IT Sicherheit f
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
agric. Versorgung; Versicherung
chem. Gewährleistung
construct. Sicherheit (z.B. vor Einbruch)
econ. Verpfändung; Unterpfand; Schutz (against, from vor); Garantie
fin. Valor; Bürge; Titel
proj.manag. Eigentumssicherheit
security of an electric power system [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
reliabil. dynamische Funktionsfähigkeit eines Elektrizitätsversorgungssystems
security finance [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
IMF. Effekten
 English thesaurus
security [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
mil., abbr. scty; sec; secy; sy
mil., logist. All measures, procedures and assets aimed at protecting friendly personnel and equipment from the effects of our own weapons. 2. The condition achieved when designated information, materiel, personnel, activities and installations are protected against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 3. The measures necessary to achieve protection against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. 4. The organizations responsible for protecting against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorized disclosure. (FRA)
USA Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness (JP 3-10) see also national security; A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences (JP 3-10) see also national security; With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security (JP 2-0) see also national security
security in intelligence terms [sɪ'kju(ə)rɪtɪ] adj.
mil., logist. Situation characterized by the satisfactory protection of information and equipment against espionage and sabotage, as well as the protection of personnel against subversion. Those measures necessary to obtain this result. FRA
Security mission: 12 phrases in 2 subjects