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SVA abbr.
gen. SVA; Schweizerische Vereinigung für Atomenergie
 English thesaurus
SVA abbr.
abbr. School Video Award; Security Vulnerability Assessment; Silicon Valley Alumni; System Virtual Address (Vosoni); Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (Ying)
abbr., account. small value assets (Ying)
abbr., auto. single vehicle approval; smart valve actuation
abbr., avia. Savoonga, Alaska USA; stator vane actuator; stator vane angle
abbr., comp., net., IT Stereo Variable Area
abbr., ed., scient. School of Visual Arts
abbr., el. shortest vector algorithm; slowly varying amplitude; support for video application; SWA virtual address
abbr., fin. shareholder value added (Shareholder value added (SVA) is a measure of the operating profits that a company has produced in excess of its funding costs, or cost of capital.)
abbr., IT Shared Virtual Area; Service Value Agreement; Strategic Value Analysis
abbr., lab.eq. Shell Vial Assay
abbr., med. selective visceral angiography
abbr., mil., avia. service volume area
abbr., oil singular value analysis; signal value analog
abbr., physiol. SupraVentricular Arrhythmia
abbr., physiol., med. Serrano Village Association
abbr., scottish Security Violation Alert; Societe Vendomoise d'Avionique (France)
abbr., transp. Scandinavian Virtual Airlines
abbr., vet.med., med. Singapore Veterinary Association
tech. single-valve first-actuation