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SMG abbr.
econ. SMG; Schweizerische Management-Gesellschaft
 English thesaurus
SMG abbr.
abbr. Sarah Michelle Gellar; Standard Model Group; Structural Mechanic Group; Standard Mail Guard; Stupid Moronic Geeks; Survey Methodology Group
abbr., AI. Split, Merge and Group
abbr., anat. supramarginal gyrus (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. statistical multiplexing gain; simulation modeling game system; spinning mass gyro
abbr., busin. speed made good
abbr., earth.sc. standard multigrid scheme; Symposium of Mathematical Geophysics
abbr., el. sort/merge generator; substrate-mesa-guide (structure); super master group, supermastergroup; super mode generator; system management group
abbr., el., scient. Screen Management Guide
abbr., IT short message gateway
abbr., med. (спленомегалия doc090); silicone medical grade (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Snipers Medics And Gunners; Special Mobile Group; Sub Machine Gun
abbr., mil., avia. smoothness measure, global
abbr., org.name. Security Management Group
abbr., scottish Societe Metallurgique de Gerzat (France); Sub-Machine Gun
abbr., space spinning-mass gyro
abbr., sport. Spectator Management Group; Spinnaker Mid Girth; Sports Management Group; Stock Market Game; Stoke- Mandeville Games; Superior Moisture Grip
abbr., st.exch. Scotts Company
abbr., textile strict middling gray
abbr., tradem. Spectacor Management Group; Structural Mechanics Group
abbr., transp. Sequential M Gearbox; Sequential Manual Gearbox
NYSE., abbr. Scotts Company (Scotts Manufacturing Group)
smg abbr.
abbr. submachinegun
mil. submachine gun (Киселев)
SMG: 2 phrases in 1 subject