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SL abbr.
abbr. signaling link; slice layer; Sandia Laboratories; semiclassical linearized (theory); Servomechanisms Laboratory; short lengths; signal lamp; stock length; supervisory lamp; supplementary line; Service Learning; Slovenian; State Library; Step Length; safe locker; Salt Lake City Southern Railroad; Salvage Loss; Same Lane; sand-loaded; Satan's Lovers; Save Layout; Scots Lass; Scottish Lass; Swift Lecture; Sea Launch; sea level; Self Locking; Sensation Level; Sensitivity Level; Sensory Level; Sexy Lady; Sexy Lookin; Short Line; side longitudinal (aap1); Silenced Liberators; Sine Loco; single line diagrams (eternalduck); Skill Less; slide; sliding; Slovenian/Slovene; Slow Loader; Slow Loser; Sniper Lords; Software Laborer; Source Statement Library; south latitude; Speak Language; Specification Limit; Spirit Lady; Spoiler Lover; Sport Light; Sport Luxury; Sporting Lisbon; Spot Light; Staged Loading; State Legislatures; Steam Locomotive; Steel And Lead; Strategic Logistics; Subscriber's Lines; Sucker Love; Super Lattice; Superstar Limo; System Layer
abbr., alum. spent liquor (aivanov); spend liquor
abbr., anat. scaphalunate ligament (I. Havkin)
abbr., astronaut. Space Launch; SpaceLab
abbr., auto. safety ledge; select low control; slot; solenoid; solenoid-lock; special ledge; standard load; stop lamp; super lightweight
abbr., avia. solid; station line; strobe light; safety lighting; sample lab; sealing; section list; service life (lifetime); shear load; short landing; slat; software loader; span loading; special layout; speed lock; spirit level; structure lofting; supply line; sync lock
abbr., avia., med. sluggishness
abbr., BrE squadron; sub-lieutenant
abbr., busin. sale; seal; security list; shall; slow
abbr., chem., scient. Short Lived
abbr., commun. Sleeping mode
abbr., comp., net. service logic
abbr., cosmet. safety line (ННатальЯ)
abbr., drw. secant length
abbr., earth.sc. left scapula; sequential learning method; silt loads; siltstone; silty; slaty; slip; slope; snow load; Society of Limnology (China); sphalerite; spinel; stroke length; sublethal concentration; sublitharenite; surface layer
abbr., ed. Skill Level; Supervised Learning
abbr., ed., scient. Student Life; Student Loan
abbr., el. solid logic; saturated logic; scanning line; scattered light; SDLC line; section length; self-focusing lens; semiconductor laser; send line; separated lead; service language; session layer; shift left; signal location; single-layered PMR medium; sketch layout; slave laser; sleep-lock; slot line; soliton laser; source library; special lead; spherical lens; stability loss; static logic; stress-layer model; string language; strip line; submarine lightwave; subroutine library; subscriber line; superlattice; symmetrizing line; system loss; systems language
abbr., electr.eng. separately leaded; stability limit
abbr., exc.supp. sleep latency (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Sith Lord
abbr., file.ext. S-Lang language source code file
abbr., fishery sustainable livelihoods
abbr., IT Short Length; Source Language; Scroll Lock
abbr., med. sublingually; Secondary Leukemia; Sinding Larsen (syndrome); Sinding-Larsen (syndrome); Sjogren-Larsson (syndrome); Sjögren-Larsson (syndrome); Stein-Leventhal (syndrome); sublingual (Vosoni); scapholunate; small lymphocytes; slight
abbr., media. Small Letters
abbr., mil. SearchLight; Security Level; sound locator; safe line; surface launched; sustainability and logistics; switch locator
abbr., mil., WMD site location
abbr., nautic. Bale (capacity)
abbr., O&G acoustic log (MichaelBurov); seismic log (MichaelBurov); sonic log (MichaelBurov); AL (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. steam low; steam low pressure (3-5 bar)
abbr., O&G, sakh. scattering layer
abbr., oil lens spectrometer; salinometer; sample laboratory; saturation locus; search length; seismic line; silicone lacquer; silty lutite; simulation language; slotted liner; sodium lactate; solid lubricant; sound locating; spare parts list; spectrolog; spherical loss correction factor; square law; standard label; standard length; state lease; strike line; surface location; liquid saturation; section line; south line; sonic log (andrushin)
abbr., pest.contr. soluble concentrate
abbr., physiol., med. Sublingual
abbr., plast.surg. scapholunate ligament
abbr., polit. Sierra Leone
abbr., polym. space laboratory; straight line
abbr., progr. schematic language (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Second Life; Standard Library; System Library
abbr., pulm. superior lobe (igisheva)
abbr., refrig. suction line
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Slovenia); Soft Landing; Source Level; Space Launcher; Streamlined (boat-tailed)
abbr., soil. sandy loam; slope land element
abbr., space section level; service level; sound level; space-limited; space link; Starlab
abbr., sport. Starting Line
abbr., st.exch. S L Industries, Inc.
abbr., tech. sigal lamp
abbr., textile sales ledger; Synthetic linings; slider self locking slider
abbr., transp. Storstockholms Lokaltrafik
busin. Sold
ecol. sea level observations
energ.ind. longitudinal parallel spacing; safety limits; sector leader; service life; short-lived; specific license; stability level; steam line; steam load; straight-line; suction lift
meteorol. search light; selected level data; solid line
mil. safety level; safety limit; sea landing; second lieutenant; section leader; service letter; shelf life; ship-launched; shoulder-launched; signal level; skill level; squad leader; squadron leader; start line; stick leave; stock level; stock list; storage location; structures laboratory; supplementary list; supplier letter; support line; surface launch
O&G scale low limit; seal liquid
pipes. surfline polish
tech. satellite link; satellite-borne laser; semiclassical linearization theory; shrinkage limit; slew rate; slightly soluble; space laser; square-law; stationary low; straight-line depreciation
SL. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. lens spectrometer
sl abbr.
abbr. slow running
abbr., econ. single ledger
abbr., electric. spool
abbr., med. special
cartogr. sluice
mil. searchlight
O&G sleeve; slight
sl. abbr.
abbr. slang
abbr., earth.sc. slate
abbr., plast. slight
Sl abbr.
abbr. salty; sillimanite; slate
Sl. abbr.
abbr. Slovak; slow
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Artificial intelligence2
High energy physics1