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sift [sɪft] v
gen. sichten; beuteln; prüfend; sieben
agric. nachsäen (flour); nochmals aussäen (flour)
chem. absieben
tech. durchsieben; untersuchen; sortieren
weap. sondern; trennen
sifting ['sɪftɪŋ] v
agric. Aussieben; Durchsieben; Sichten; Aussondern
tech., industr., construct. Sortieren
sifted ['sɪftɪd] v
gen. sichtete; siebte
sifts v
gen. sichtet; siebt
 English thesaurus
SIFT [sɪft] abbr.
abbr. software implement fault-tolerant
abbr., AI. Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
abbr., avia. Surveillance Information Format Translator
abbr., biotechn. sorting intolerant from tolerant (Altuntash)
abbr., earth.sc. Signal-Image-Fourier-Transform
abbr., ed. Scheduled Intentional Focused Time; Service Increment For Teaching
abbr., ed., scient. Summer Institute For Future Teachers
abbr., el. share interval FORTRAN translator; software implemented fault tolerance (computing system)
abbr., eng.geol. Systematic inspections of features in the territory
abbr., IT software-implemented fault tolerance
abbr., nautic., scient. Short-term Inundation Forecasting of Tsunamis project
abbr., progr., IT Scale Invariant Feature Transform; Stanford Information Filtering Tool
energ.ind. software implemented fault tolerance
SIFT: 16 phrases in 7 subjects
Information technology1