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noun | abbreviation | adjective
market., construct. Gruppe der Schweizerischen Bauindustrie
SBI abbr.
market., construct. SBI
 English thesaurus
SBI abbr.
abbr., auto. standard breakerless ignition
abbr., commun. Service Brake Intervention; Service Brake Intervention profile
abbr., el. selective broadcast interconnection; space based intercepter; system bus interface
abbr., fish.farm. swim bladder inflammation
abbr., med. soybean trypsin inhibitor
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite-borne instrumentation
SBI abbr.
abbr. Site Build It; Small Business Initiative; Société de Bourse Intermédiaires; Superior Business Intelligence; share of beneficial interest (алешаBG); Simple But Intense; State Bank of India (mouse); Storage Bus Interconnect; Stupid Bloody Idiot; Subsidiary Body for Implementation (Leonid Dzhepko); Synchronous Backplane Interconnect (Vosoni); Synchronous Backplane Interface; Synchronous Bus Interface
abbr., avia. Koundara, Guinea; service bulletin index
abbr., dentist. SBI index (MichaelBurov); sulcus bleeding index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. short baseline interferometry; short basic interferometer; supply of rock bits for intermediate drilling
abbr., IT Sound Blaster Instrument
abbr., law State Bureau of Investigation
abbr., med. Society Of Breast Imaging; Something Bad Inside E.g. Undiagnosed Cancer/unexpected Serious Condition Found When Performing Surgery; silent brain infarct (Pustelga); screening and brief interventions; Serious Bacterial Infection; small bowel intussusception (тонкокишечная инвагинация doc090)
abbr., mil. Single Burning Item; Short Baseline Interferometer
abbr., oil Securities and Investment Board
abbr., relig. Suitable For Building Idempotent
abbr., scottish Speaker Box Interface
abbr., sec.sys., IT Slip Bluetooth Interface
abbr., space storage bus in
abbr., tradem. Small Business Institute; State Bank Of India
mil. space-based interceptor; special background investigation
tech. short-baseline interferometer
SBIs abbr.
abbr., med. screening and brief interventions