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food.ind. Alkopop m (ready to drink); Alcopop m (ready to drink); Partydrink m (ready to drink); Premix n (ready to drink)
 English thesaurus
RTD abbr.
abbr., auto. real time damping
abbr., el. rapid thermal diffusion; rapid thermal doping; real-time decoder; received tributary data; resister temperature detector; resonant tunneling device; resistance thermal detector
abbr., fin. Reference, Terminology, and Documentation Section
abbr., med. residual trophoblastic disease; routine test dose; routine testing dilutions
abbr., mil. returned to duty
abbr., mil., avia. range-time decoder
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. resistance temperature detector
rtd. abbr.
abbr. returned
RTD abbr.
abbr. Real Time Dispatch; Real Time Display; Redundantly Taxed District; Research And Technology Development; Reutilization Transfer And Donation; ready-to-drink (bookworm); Research and Technology Department; rubber-tired doser (В. Бузаков)
abbr., auto. real time dampening
abbr., automat. relay time delay
abbr., avia. Rotunda, Florida USA
abbr., box. Referee Technical Decision (Ballistic)
abbr., cyber. Reaction Time Decomposition (Игорь_2006)
abbr., ed., scient. Research and Technological Development
abbr., inet. Rapid Transient Determination
abbr., insur. Right and true delivery
abbr., IT Run Time Display; real-time dummy
abbr., media. Return To Dark; Reuters Trend Data
abbr., mil. Radar Technology Demonstrator; Real Time Data; Real Time Driver; Remote Display Terminal; Return To Dominance; Returned To Duty
abbr., nano resonant tunneling diode
abbr., O&G resistance temperature detector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Resistance thermometer
abbr., oil resistance-temperature or thermal detector; resistant temperature detector; real-time diagnostics; real-time data; remote temperature device; riser termination device; resistance resistivity temperature detector; resistance thermometer detector; resistive thermal detector; rotary total depth
abbr., phys., scient. Resistance Temperature Detector
abbr., polym. residence time distribution
abbr., scottish Radar Target Designator control; Real-Time Disk; Resistance Temperature Device; Rontgen Technische Dienst BV (Netherlands)
abbr., semicond. resonant tunnelling diode
abbr., space round trip delay
abbr., tech. resistive temperature detector/device (Метран)
abbr., tel. Real-Time Distributor (Yakov)
abbr., transp. Reason To Drive
abbr., TV Russia Today Documentary (igisheva)
mil. real-time display; reliability technical directive; remote temperature detector; replacement training depot; research and technology division; return to duty; rotation tour date
oil, abbr. recommendation to drill
tech. radar tracking data
rtd abbr.
abbr. retired
insur. Returned
mach.comp. rated (igisheva)
: 9 phrases in 7 subjects
Materials science1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Research and development3